Soot Sprite Share All My Friends Are Depressed

Overseas, there’s lots of buzz about Soot Sprite, and while they might have their own issues, their new single seems fitting for the majority of Americans that are currently burdened by stress and fear. The song doesn’t offer up the perfect solution, other than to “change what you can” as you move through life. I guess at a certain point you can let go of what you can’t change and work on the small things around you, like cranking up this tune at just the right time to let it rattle your speakers. They seduce you with a subtle bit of pop rock, subdued in its presentation before erupting with this great force that gives you the courage to step out into the world and kick some ass. Their debut LP, Wield Your Hope Like a Weapon will be out on May 16th via Specialist Subject Records.

Lola Tried Drop Degrader

We’ve always been big fans of Austin’s Lola Tried; they’ve played our annual SXSW party before…and they only just seem to be taking hold of their powers. This fresh single that dropped the other afternoon illustrates just how much singe Lauren has grown; she manages to deliver this harsh vocal curl that fits in naturally alongside the powerful burst of the band. But, growth doesn’t mean moving away from your bread-and-butter, as the chorus has the perfect soaring melodic hook. Despite the hook, the lyrical content has Burton taking emotional ownership back for those that she felt like didn’t have a voice at the time of the writing. Just imagine the joyousness of Cherry Glazer with less fucks to give and you’ve got this new Lola Tried single.

THEMM! Announce El Pastor

Austin outfit THEMM! have been cranking out pop rock for what seems like centuries, and they show no signs of slowing down anytime soon, and we’re grateful for that. This week the band bounce back with news of El Pastor, their newest EP recorded out at Sonic Ranch Studios earlier this year. It’s the band at their best, and also their most political, as they take aim at the ridiculousness that runs rampant through every Texas town mentioned in the tune. Still, they embrace what’s ahead of them, take it head on, and decide perhaps its best to “live, laugh, love.” You’ll be able to hear the whole EP on September 13th. And just for the record, I’m more of a Carnitas kind of guy.

Beverly Kills Drop Hymn to You Single

I needed something shiny to start off my day, so felt like this Beverly Kills tune would be the perfect way to slink into Friday, for both myself and for you. When this kicks off, you can hear a nod to a number of dreamy pop bands, but I certainly feel like our audience will recognize some sonic similarities to Alvvays. But, like many a band of this ilk, they’re not content revolving in the dreamy state, pushing forward by jumping on those pedals and ripping right into huge anthemic pop; the chorus here hits perfectly as the tune turns into an ode to a lost love. Every bit of execution is brimming with emotion and overflowing with hooks that I’m sure you’ll love. Happy Friday kids.

Once For Kicks Drop Banger

Tuesday is shaping up to be a fun little rock n’ roll day, so what better way to get you stoked on life than to throw this tune at you from Once for Kicks. The band’s name definitely seems to encompass what they’re doing musically, out here ripping huge riffs and dropping in melodic hooks throughout to keep you coming back for more and more. You can feel the band’s enthusiasm dripping through your speakers as those fuzzy riffs turn into huge bursts while the various vocal pieces all fall into harmony. If you’re loving this, be on the lookout, as they’ve got a new LP slated for the end of the year.

Supermilk Drop Fresh 7″

Listening to the new tracks that are on Supermilk‘s new 7″, I couldn’t help but gravitate towards a band I know a lot of people hold dear, though keep quiet about, Superdrag; the similarities aren’t just in the “Super!” When the song below kicks off, things are in this sort of brooding punk mentality, but when the quietness of the vocals trickle in, the song emerges as this darkened piece of alternative pop. You only have to wait a few moments for the chorus to drop and that’s where it soars; the vocals burst into a higher octave and the band brandish a catchy distorted wall of guitars. It’s catch and it’s fun and it rocks and you need it, so grab the new 7″ HERE.

Fun Pop Rocker from Billy Tibbals

Every once in awhile I’ll get stuck under a track that I just want to play as loud as I can, which happens to be this great Billy Tibbals tune. The UK artist just dropped this new tune, and it feels like the most enjoyable bit of glam rock I’ve heard in some time. Every thing about the chorus just screams effortless cool, and the staggering swagger that rocks throughout the tune’s main verses. To me, it feels like Tibbals is out there having the time of his life, and I don’t mind that one damned bit. Looking forward to hearing more from Billy, with his new Stay Teenage EP, out via Silver Arrow Records.

Space Tan Drop Prison Planet

If you go way back to the year 2021, our little label of love, ATH Records released a vastly underrated album by Austin’s Space Tan titled Inti Raymi. But, just this last Friday, the quintet released the brand new Prison Planet EP, continuing to drop these huge pop rock numbers centered around the songwriting of Gianni Sarmiento. There’s a few tunes on this release that feel like an amped up version of Grandaddy or the Rentals, spinning these futuristic tunes rooted in classic alternative sounds. Five quick pop nuggets that will brighten your day, so do yourself that favor right now!

Lola Tried Return with Black and White

It’s been a minute since we last heard fresh tunes from Austin’s Lola Tried, but on their Renvers EP, you could hear a broader songwriting perspective, a certain fearlessness for the band to face pop rock on their own terms. As you’ll hear below, there’s absolutely no turning back, as Lauren Burton seems to only be rising higher with her craft. This song build slowly, like a warm up lap, letting the listener sink into the song. But, as it creeps along and Burton’s voice takes control, the song bursts into an all out spring, erupting with this crunching wall of rock n’ roll that would surely lead into a huge breakdown in the live setting. Absolutely loving this performance, and hoping you are too. Plus, if you’re in the Austin area, they celebrate the release of the new single tonight at Chess Club!

Model Shop Share Lucky

In just a coupe of weeks, we’ll get to hear the entirety of the new Model Shop LP, but we finally get to hear the opening tune, which certainly sets the tone for the record and the band’s intentions. A thumping drum joins up with an acoustic strum, bringing about a galloping earnestness that kicks off hook-laden pop rock you’ll rush to turn up. They up the ante though, as one hook surely isn’t enough for the average pop fan, so they add in some vocal harmonies, adding both contrast and exuberance; it’s an immediate shot to the listener, letting us all know the group aim to please! Love Interest will be out via Meritorio Records on November 25th.

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