Poppongene Shares Wet Towel

Feel like I’m spending a great deal of my space on writing about Aussie acts today, and I’m quite okay with that fact; I particularly am fond of this new Poppongene tune. At first, it sort of slithers its way into your listening; it seems unassuming, just catchy vocals over some quick percussion. But, as the song picks up, Sophie begins to add more energy to her performance, just as the guitars begin to jump off more emphatically to boot. All of a sudden, the track has its hooks in you, letting the vocals sort of drift into the slightest realm of dreaminess during the chorus; it’s a nice pop moment totally stuck in my head. This tune will appear on a forthcoming EP.

Poppongene is Eternally Alone

Man, it’s only going to take a you a few seconds before you’re totally hooked on this brand new track from Poppongene. It opens with this seductive bounce that has you tapping your toes and bobbing your head, at least if you’re like me sitting at a desk this morning. Then, as the vocals come in, you can see some nice comparisons to like-minded Aussie, Stella Donnelly; the lyrics also share a similar sense of wit. This track’s all about falling for someone, of course, only when time allows for it. Had a lot of solid Australian hits up this week already, but this might just be my favorite? Try it on, will you? She’ll have a new EP coming out later this year!

Poppongene Share Not Wrong Video

Poppongene might not be a name on everyone’s tongue just yet, but Sophie Treloar’s project definitely will turn some heads with this new single. At first, it’s the voice that really draws you in, dangling through your speakers as it allows for the guitars to carefully ring from behind. I was fully immersed, just lost in the song, much as our character is in the video, pushing through life. But, just after the 2 minute mark things start to take on a bit more volume, layers are added to continually flesh the track out…and with that Treloar’s voice reveals this beautiful softness that caresses your ear holes. This song will appear on a new EP via Our Golden Friend later this year.

New Music from Poppongene

The weather chilled us a bit this week, relatively speaking, but as we continue to get warmer, I have a feeling that this Poppongene tune is going to get a lot of plays. It’s a song that creeps along, as singer Sophie mentions in line notes, sort of playfully bounding into your ears. Pacing on this track is so relaxed that you’re likely to need a chair to sit in as the pop warmth washes over you. It’s okay, you can give into it; let it come as it may. Probably one of my favorite pop hits this week. Be on the lookout for a full EP coming in late 2017 from Our Golden Friend.

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