More New Music From Post War Years

I was a huge fan of “Glass House” from little known UK band Post War Years when I posted it a few months back.  I’d even say it might just sneak it’s way into my end of the year songs list.  Now I can’t say that this song “The Bell” is as catchy as that tune, but it should at least help build your fandom of the group.  It’s a bit more of a driving electro-pop tune that makes me want to go running outside somewhere.

This new song is part of a single release for the group coming your way on October 29th via Chess Club Records.  That one will feature this song obviously, along with some remixes and other goodies.

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New Electro Pop From Post War Years

This new catchy tune “Glass House” from UK kids Post War Years has perked up my ears this morning.  Something about it just scream British electro-pop in the same vein as ATH favorite Foals.  If nothing else, it’s got a great backing beat that might get a party started in the office.  Stay tuned for the release of the new EP from Post War Years, Glass House, which is due out July 23rd on Chess Club Records.


Download: Post War Years – Glass House [MP3]

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