Psych Rock n Roll From The Dig

dig-photo-1The Dig is a band that have always been on my radar as one who can bring the downtrodden rock n roll with the best of em.  This new song “Angeline” is no different from what you might expect from the band with its slow moving psych rock sound that builds towards a nice outro complete with thumping bass riffs.  A new EP entitled Tired Hearts is due out on June 4th and can be pre-ordered now via the Tired Hearts Bandcamp page.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Experimental Rock From Krill

Krill-Lucky-LeavesHere’s a fun sort of experimental rock number called “Never a Joke” coming your way from Boston based outfit Krill.  It’s definitely a psych rock type of number with the noticeable jerky nature and at times rockin’ guitars.  The simple, yet driving bass line is an excellent touch as the backbone of the song throughout.

A new album Lucky Leaves is said to be out soon, can be pre-ordered on bandcamp, and will be coming in a very strange format.  Very strange indeed.


Download: Krill – Never A Joke [MP3]

New Psych Pop From The Everywheres

488070_262471803885817_2002843615_nHere’s a new tune from The Everywheres called “Someone Disappeared” that’s perked up my ears today.  It’s definitely a psych-pop rock tune with it’s groovy guitars and reverb laden vocals over everything.  Think Black Angels meets Tame Impala if you will.  It would certainly fit in nicely with their fore fathers of the 60s.

Keep your eyes peeled for the self-titled debut LP hitting stores on June 25th via Father/Daughter Records.


Download: The Everywheres – Someone Disappeared [MP3]

Surprising Psych Gem from The Numerators

130405-numeratorsOkay, I’m being honest here. When I think of Lubbock, I occasionally think of Buddy Holly, but I almost never think of music.  That’s not the problem of The Numerators, and in fact, I don’t think the band could even care about what us Austinites think.  What we can say is that their hazy pysch rocker is sure to raise some eyebrows, and I’ll admit right off the bat that it’s a pretty respectable gem, which will be released as part of Suicide Squeeze Single Series. Personally, I think it’s a great thing when a band can shut the world up just with their music, so I’ll happily insert foot in mouth and let you guys enjoy the tune.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Psych Rock Track from Allah-Las

Sure, Psych Fest just ended here in Austin, but I’m already trying to organize next year’s artists for the festival.  I’ve decided the first band they should pencil in is the Allah-Las, a hot group out of California.  After spending my weekend with music that blended together, I think there’s some distinction in the blend this band is playing, offering a cleaner spin on the genre.  Their second single, Tell Me (What’s On Your Mind) is something you’ll want to try and order from the group; I want you to take a nice little listen to the lead track from said single before you get your wallet out.


Download:Allah-Las – Tell Me (What’s On Your Mind) [MP3]

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