Echo Delay Give You A Moment of Joy

There are a lot of really great albums coming out this week, and for me, the one that’s probably sliding under your radar is this new LP from Denmark’s Echo Delay. They’re playing with psychedelic tropes, particularly in the first minute of guitar noodling here. But, then while that aura maintains the status quo, the vocals come into play as a kind of quieted public speech; they’re seemingly spoken, rather than sung, with some vocal effects creating this disorienting gloriousness you’ll dive right into. So, if slow burning psychedelia seems to be your thing, sneak around through the caverns of The Second Bardo and you’ll be sure to uncover treasures!

Elephant Stone Return with Lost In a Dream

Having dropped a few of their more exploratory pieces already this year with the Dawn, Day, Dusk EP/Single, Elephant Stone is continuing their path through the forest of psychedelia. Listeners get pulled in quickly by the snappy drum work; it’s propulsive in nature, thus providing the guitars plenty of space to move in and out of the dreamier realms. Velvety vocals were prescribed, but as much as I love them through the verses, there’s a really striking moment at 1:20, shining a ray of sunshine right into your ears that completely melted me. I’m continuously impressed by the band’s ability to grow and turn back on themselves some 14 years into their career, consistently carving their own path in this musical realm.

Joshua Powell Releases Skeleton Party

Joshua Powell is dropping his latest record Skeleton Party out into the world today, and I wanted to celebrate that by backing him up with some love for this track, “Sad Boy at the Skeleton Party.” Sure, there’s some heavy riffs in this jam, which tie into Powell’s psychedelic inclinations, but his voice always transports me somewhere else; he reminds me of old school Brendan Benson the way he hits some of those high notes to bridge the rock with the melody. Feel like this hits all the Friday notes, kicking out the heavy riffs and still making things feel like there’s just the faintest hint of pop. If you dig, check out the whole LP; it drops today!

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