Last Week’s Jams, Today (1.10 – 1.14)

Well, I will admit, there were so many songs last week that I loved that I may have gotten a touch carried away. I mean that new Methyl Ethyl with Stella Donnelly is a banger, plus new stuff from our friends in Blushing and the Reds Pinks and Purples! We even got to premiere some sweet tunes that only exist in special places, like our site, namely the latest from Yea-Ming and the Rumors and Good Grief. So, browse through this hour of tunes, and I beg you to find a bad one in there. You can’t! I’ll try to keep up the momentum this week!


Public Body Reset My Password

Okay, so maybe Public Body didn’t reset “my” password, but that’s the new single from the band’s forthcoming EP, so it seems a fitting post title. The band are specializing in that frantic bit of angular post-punk, driving their angst against the storm as the vocals serve to steady the ship. It’s quite similar to a lot of what’s coming out of the UK, with the lyrical content delivered in a very matter of fact manner. Still, the driving nature in the musical element is sharp and bouncing, enticing you to get out of your chair and pogo about with glee. If you’re digging it, Flavour of Labour is out on March 4th!

Last Week’s Jams, Today (September 13 – 17)

Last week I might have gotten a little carried away; my wife and newborn son were spending a lot of time resting, so I was just hanging out writing about songs all week…something a teacher, soccer coach, dad and label owner typically can’t do. So, this week’s playlist of last week’s hits might be a little longer than usual, but you’re going to be all the better for it. I hope you have a wonderful Monday my friends, and enjoy the jams here!

Public Body Share Formica Single

There’s something in the water today down in Brighton, with this new track from Public Body being our second offering from the city today! This group is both exciting fun, seemingly crafting their own post-punk recipe with influences from the likes of Devo to Parquet Courts…and probably bits and pieces of everything in between. It’s the sort of tune that immediately feels like your thrust into the live setting, pogoing about with a huge shit-eating grin strung upon your face, looking around, and everyone feels the same…its a communal joyous rapture…and we’re grateful Public Body have provided. The group will be dropping their Flavour of Labour EP this December.

Public Body Share Table Manners

I’ll go out and say that sometimes I feel like the whole post-punk guitar organization has gotten stale, but there’s a few outfits that still manage to turn me on, musically. Public Body is one such act, as they seem to kind of pull in some extra flare that kind of moves them out of that traditional formula. For me, some of their angular guitar work really catches me ear, akin to acts like Omni (who I adore), but even further into art punk at times. Plus, they never deliver you that expected climactic punch, at least not in this format; they tend to deliver more of a meditative rock sermon, just holding you long enough to get you through the track before letting you venture off into the world a new human.

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