More New Music from Pujol

How much more can we really tell you about Nashville’s Pujol?  Nothing much reall, other than you need to be jamming to this kid. He’s signed on with stalwart label, Saddle Creek Records, who will be releasing his EP, Nasty, Brutish and Short on October 18th. It’s gritty, but it’s not something you can immediately pass of as some sort of garage re-hash.  Yea, there’s touches of that, but the overwhelming quality seems rooted in far more than some lo-fi phenomenon. So, if you didn’t listen to us the first time, maybe now you’ll get into Pujol. You’ll also find the band tearing it up at Fun Fun Fun Fest this year, so yet another reason to get your ears ready.


Download: Pujol – Mayday [MP3]

Show Preview: Turbo Fruits @ Red 7 (12/17)

Date 12/17/10
Location Red 7
Doors 9pm
Tickets $8 @ Frontgate

As promised earlier this week, we wanted to remind you about the sweet show at Red 7 on Friday night with buzz bands Turbo Fruits and Pujol.  Also on the stage are Rayon Beach and Dikes of Holland.  It’s a cheap ticket price so I’d recommend checking these guys out before they start booking at bigger venues.  Below you can also find the new song from Turbo Fruits we posted earlier this week.


Download: Turbo Fruits – Keepin’ On [MP3]

New Tunes from Pujol

We’ve all been running a little lethargically with the holiday season upon us, so I thought I would kick start Monday with a bit of amplified heat. We’re bringing you a new single from Pujol, and this one’s got the backing of Jack White, seeing as he’s the man who produced it, not to mention the man putting it out on Third Man Records.  You’ll find furiously pounding drums in the forefront, with some really clever guitar work going on throughout, all bringing some powerfully energetic rock n’ roll.  This kid can play, which is no surprise, as you wouldn’t expect Jack to back someone who can’t play their instrument. If you dig it, get your hands on the Black Rabbit 7″.


Download: Pujol – Too Safe [MP3]

New Music from Pujol

Pujol is an up-and-coming band out of Nashville, and they’ve already received lots of praise all over the Interwebs.  Their sound uses a bit of that garage recording, which apparently is the technique of the year, at least for me.  But, they include a lot of melodies, likely to make you bounce about your room jubilantly.  They’ve just released their EP, All at the Same Time, and though its short, its got quite a punch.  Give this track a try to see if this is your bag.


Download: Pujol – Butterflyknife [MP3]

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