Secret Shame Share Video for Pure

Last summer, Secret Shame dropped this incredible 7″ (I think mine’s still in the mail!), but times as they are, the band have just uploaded a brand new video to accompany the incredible B-side, “Pure.” Personally, this was one of my favorite tunes of last year, drifting through the world in this casually darkened cool. In their video, you get performance video, seen through the eye of a band willing to balance their personality with visual elements that match the song’s thematic vibes. There are still a few copies of the 7″ floating about, and we’ve been promised there’s new music on the horizon!

Secret Shame Share Pure

When we shared “Dissolve” a few weeks back, it definitely brought to mind New Order feels in the guitar work, but the B-Side for the new Secret Shame 7″ is a much more thought provoking piece. Drums beat heavily, washed by a glittering synth note; there’s all sorts of space awaiting the entrance of the vocals near the 1 minute mark. They notes feel thick, yet delicate, almost burdened in a sense; the surrounding arrangements craft this elegant dream pop vibe. As much as the song seems like its building towards this rewarding climactic moment, the band are smart enough to leave you wanting more, only encouraging you to listen time and time again. The Dissolve/Pure 7″ drops next Friday!

Beautiful New Track From Photo Ops

The sun is out today, the weather is cooler than normal and it’s a perfect day for a sunny, breezy pop song! My man Terry Price, who records under the moniker Photo Ops, is providing the perfect summer tune today with his new track “Time For an Innocent Song”. It’s a lovely bit of music which catches your attention with a little acoustic ditty as it slowly builds into hazy pop number with hushed vocals and perfectly timed drums. It’s equal parts Fruit Bats mixed with CSNY and little touch of pop sensibilities. Check it out now.

Photo Ops will release a new album entitled Pure at Heart sometime later this year.

Suntrodden Is Back with a New EP

I raved and raved about Suntrodden last year, and now we return with the latest piece from his final work in his 3-EP series, III. As usual Erik’s tossing a gentle vocal atop really carefully crafted pop styles; this is what always draws me into his songwriting. But, I really like the attention given to the recording, with various textures of guitar added atop one another to really add depth to the song…not to mention a little bit of keys hanging about too. The latest edition in the series will drop on June 30th, so you can bet you’ll hear more from us as the release date nears.

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ATX Spotlight: River Jones Tune Blows Up

riverI’m not going to say Lorelei Linklater’s participation in this new River Jones song helped make this song blow up (though it might have helped) because the song’s just one of those tracks that’s too good to ignore. It’s the sprawling sort of indie rock that reminds me of the last Girls LP; the vocals by both performers really fit the emotional pull of the song…Jones has a cool drawl while Linklater has this dreamy R&B touch. You’ve also got to take note of the production itself, there’s not a single musical touch that oversteps it’s place in the song, knittingthe musical textures together for maximum pleasure. No idea where or when this will appear, but it’s a damn good track, and sometimes that’s enough.

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SXSW In Pictures

sxsw2009pics_coverWe took loads of photos during SXSW and wanted to share just a few of the better ones with you.  We had some camera trouble during the week so we didn’t get everywhere we wanted to be, but we hope you like the shots we made out with. Our goal was to give you an idea of what SXSW is like with pictures of bands, crowds and people. Pictures of our showcase will be up for your enjoyment tomorrow. Follow the jump to see some random photography from our insane week of SXSW fun.
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