Brand New Basketball Shorts

basketballTogether with our friends at Fleeting Youth Records, we’re excited to release Hot and Ready, the new Basketball Shorts LP. With the NBA season over, it’s time to look forward to football in the fall…and these Austin punkers have the perfect track for you, especially you Texas folks: “Romo to Dez.” While the song references our favorite scoring duo, the song’s actually a love song…here’s what singer Ben Shorts has to say:

“I am a lifelong Cowboys fan. I mean I grew up in Dallas in the 90s. It was only time before I let it out in song. This song though, is more about how I felt when I use to see this one person I was dating. I would get so excited when I thought about them, and the only thing I could relate to that excitement was when Romo hits Dez for a touchdown pass. In my head I wrapped up the anticipation, the tension, and the release, all in one phrase. When I think about you, I Romo to Dez.”

Grab the cleary vinyl (with splatters) HERE or HERE, or just pick it up on July 8th when it’s released.

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