Molchat Doma Announce Belaya Polosa

Not quite sure about any of the words going on in this new Molchat Doma tune, but the Belarusian post-punk outfit have crafted one of the most striking opening minutes of the summer…if you’re asking me (and maybe B. Gray). That pulsating beat is infectious, and I’m almost a little disappointed in the actor in the video as he should be hitting it so much harder when that drum starts thumping. Those sharp synth notes stabbing in just completely rocked my world, and I couldn’t find a way to get them out from under my skin. When the vocals finally come in, they seem almost seem like some monk’s choir, meant to haunt from some distant abbey in a land far away. Pulsating and other worldly, this tune rips for sure. Belaya Polosa is out September 6th via Sacred Bones Records.

Maria BC Shares Still Single

With Spike Field on the very near horizon, we’re starting to hear more and more praise for Maria BC; I, personally, couldn’t pull myself from the delicate beauty of the latest single from the LP. Speaking on the tune, Maria details how she came up with the piano piece at the age of 16, but until now, was unable to make the song work; I think there’s plenty of success here; it sort of reminds me of Tori Amos, particularly as the vocals feel so powerful as the keys provide this sweeping movement that’s accentuated by the rise of the voice. Stark and striking; the new LP will be out on October 20th via Sacred Bones Records.

Constant Smiles Complete Divine Cycle Trilogy with Kenneth Anger

Constant Smiles began the “Divine Cycle” trilogy back in 2017 with the release of Divine, followed by John Waters in 2019; today we get the news that the trilogy will be complete with the release of Kenneth Anger. Whereas previous releases have mostly been categorized as indie folk, the new single presents new themes, as the narrative of this record seems to be run through a synth pop lens. When pressing play, propulsive drum work thrusts you right into the core of the song; the vocals have this pleasant calm to them, contrasting the edgier musical bits, all of it tied together. It blends with the album’s themes of ritual and community and collaboration as a process of healing. Kenneth Anger is out on March 3rd via Sacred Bones Records.

Soft Moon Share Become the Lies

It looks like someones been watching me dance-punch all across my house this summer, and it looks like that someone is Soft Moon! The band’s new video for brooding bouncer “Become the Lies” is filled with a lone dancing machine, dancing primally to the thumping beat that’s beneath the song. What I’m interested in from the musical side is how the song manages to avoid the trappings, brining in an angelic vocal where most folks would pummel you with a wall of noise. Don’t get me wrong, you can feel the weight of this song shattering the cones of your speakers, but the melodic nature still seems to supersede. Exister will be out on September 2rd via Sacred Bones Records.

The Soft Moon Announce Exister

How can you not be thrilled by this new jam from the Soft Moon? It’s heavy and propulsive, hinting at darkness, but disguised as a heavy pop song. The moment the rhythm drops in with those tuned vocals, you’re lured into the dark side of pop. I feel like that’s fitting, as songwriter Luiz Vasquez details how the song expresses the turmoil built by his own battles with ‘good side/bad side.’ This track and video also features fish narc adding in some vocals, mixing in a little bit of that duality in the song itself. With this video you get the announcement of Exister, a new LP for Sacred Bones (9.23), as well as a huge tour across Europe and the States…with an Austin date in the fall.

Black Marble Share Preoccupation Video

So I missed running this tune yesterday, so I figured I’d remedy my mistake by running it now. I’ve made clear my adoration with Black Marble, and this track is no different from those moments. I think Chris Stewart has really worked hard here to toy with his vocal delivery; he’s drawing you in, giving rise to little subtle bits of melody from the dark confines of his electronic work. Honestly, I haven’t heard anything from this record that I don’t like, so you can bet I’ll be grabbing a copy of Fast Idol, out on October 22nd via Sacred Bones Records.

Black Marble Share Ceiling Video

Usually when a band like Black Marble gets four albums deep into their career, you sort of think you know what you’re getting when you unpack that new LP. For me, I think Chris Stewart has continued to let his electronic soundscapes evolve with each album. Bigger Than Life felt bolder and punchier, if you can say that; it just had this overt pop nature to it. That still seems present as we listen to “Ceiling,” another tune from the forthcoming Fast Idol. You can still hear the accessibility in the beats; they carry this generally pleasant feel to them, something that’s super difficult to replicate. Still, Stewart’s vocal have this faint hint of darkness, creating this bit of anxiety within the tune that ties into some of the thematic elements being put forth. The new LP is out on October 22nd via Sacred Bones Records.

Black Marble Announces Fast Idol

I’ve been jamming to Black Marble for a hot minute now, and while I’m partial to the earlier work of Chris Stewart, he’s definitely hitting a more accessible pop stride with his latest works…and looks like that continues with the new record Fast Idol. Our first listen is accompanied by this incredible video from Theo Sixou, following around an exuberant pair through the streets of Paris; they seem to be searching for that unidentifiable “somewhere” of the song’s title. Both the song and the video are worth your while today, and we’ll keep you posted as more singles drop from the forthcoming Fast Idol, which is out on October 22nd via Sacred Bones Records.

Black Marble Drop Private Show Video

Can I not just have this whole Black Marble LP already? This is the third single from the forthcoming Bigger Than Life LP, and again, it’s sure-fire gem. I’m actually really drawn to the beats on this one; they have this energetic pulse faintly tinged with a darkness that seems to match the fogginess of the vocal delivery. It’s probably cliche at this point, but balancing of the light and dark is so well executed that you can’t help but be caught up in your own emotions. But, perhaps the most striking moment comes just before the 4 minute mark, when the song seems to be stripped of its energy, leaving you with heavy vocals draped across minimal notes; it’s a pretty special twist. This new LP drops on October 25th via Sacred Bones Records. Don’t forget the band will be in Austin for Levitation!

Moon Duo Share Eternal Shore

The shapeshifting project that is Moon Duo are back with another single from their forthcoming Stars Are the Light. This one shows there more psychedelic vibe, which has long been their home base genre, though they’ve moved about. There’s plenty of guitar noodling, notes twisted in and out of the rhythmic pulse that sits behind the song’s entirety. Sanae pops in from time to time throughout the song’s jam to deliver these smoky vocal lines that sort of trap you in this mystical trance mode; they sort of feel like something out of some darkened den of the late 60s.Their new album will be released on September 27th by their longtime label, Sacred Bones Records.

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