School Damage Have a New Single

The Aussie quartet School Damage are about to unleash their second LP into the world, and with it, perhaps we’ll finally have a handle on the band’s brand of wobbly pop music. When listening, the sharp guitars ringing blend with the sound of keys, while the rhythm section spins you out of control. Hooks come by the way of the vocals, with this particular song getting quite a few “na na nas” up in your ears. If you like your punk rock a little bit left of the dial, a little bit spirited and far more weird, then you’re going to love A to X; it drops on August 31st via Chapter Music. Check out the stop-animation video below…created by the band’s own Carolyn Hawkins.

Another Track from School Damage

School Damage are in the release cycle, and this is the second track we’ve heard from their forthcoming EP. Apparently, this whole EP is dedicated to a cat, thus the title Four Songs About One Cat. However, when it comes to the musical element, you might be slightly surprised at this new single, unless you spent enough time with their self-titled LP (like the track “Online Shopping”). Their songs typically have this frantic art punk styling, but here, there’s almost a dreamy 60s Velvets vibe, or perhaps some intoxicating track from a Wes Anderson movie. If you’re into it, then go grab the new EP form Upset the Rhythm.

Nathan’s Favorite Oceanic Albums of 2017

For the 8 or so people who read this blog on the regular, you’ll likely be aware of my affection for all things Oceanic, primarily New Zealand and Australia. So, with year end lists in mind, I thought I’d offer up my personal takes on the best tunes to come out of the area in 2017. There’s no particular order, just my sixteen favorites of the year.

There’s even a fun little playlist at the bottom for you to enjoy!


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Wonky Pop from School Damage

School Damage is one of the latest additions to the Chapter Music roster, and the label always has their finger on the pulse in Meblbourne’s thriving scene. Bits of keyboard give the song a feeling of “wobbly” pop, but it’s the frantic pace of the percussion that provides an energetic push. You can hear faint little guitar notes too, jittering behind the front of the mix; it’s just weird enough to keep you inthe cool, but pop enough to make you come back for more. Look for the band’s self-titled LP to hit on June 2nd.

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Brand New Music from School Damage

I’m always going to post new tunes if they come out via Chapter Music, as that’s one of the first labels I fell in love with over in Australia. Today, the label is bringing you School Damage, a slightly odd-ball pop outfit that features members of Chook Race and Ausmuteants. They begin this tune with a deep tone before guitars ringing in patiently in the background, paced by a bobbling bit of synth. Vocals dance on top, calmly flowing from Carolyn Hawkins; the song discusses the concept of death, with tall poppies growing atop our narrator…I love how she elongates the lines “bury me”. You can grab the band’s self-titled debut in June.

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