We Were Promised Jetpacks Drop New Single

Edinburgh lads We Were Promised Jetpacks have long been a running staple on ATH with multiple song postings, album reviews, live reviews, and even some interviews back in the day. Our connection to Scotland based artists has always been incredibly strong, almost weird if you’re on the outside looking in. WWPJP is by far one of our long time favorites from the country and we are simply elated to share with you this new single from the band called “If It Happens”. It’s been crazy to see this band grow up and flourish over the last 12 or so years since their stunning debut back in 2009. For me, this song shows a band truly learning how to flesh things out and truly build an impeccable indie rock song. Enjoy it.

WWPJP will release this song on a 7″ single via Big Scary Monsters. Pre-orders are up now on the band’s website.

Buffet Lunch Share Bladderwrack Video

Continuing to ride that Buffet Lunch train, with the Scottish outfit only a few short weeks away from the release of The Power of Rocks. The guitar licks on this tune seem to roll in like the accompanying waves of the video (an ode to Coldplay!), though Perry O’Bray’s vocal delivery helps to take those rolling angles and give them a bit of emphatic stomp. Then, the band open up the space in the song, filling it with little bits of electronics and wood blocks to give the tune its patented wonkiness…not to mention the additional backing vocals in their sort of robotic indifference. Every corner of this record sounds great; its out on May 7th via Upset the Rhythm.

Buffet Lunch Share Pebbledash Video

Honestly, there aren’t a lot of acts like Buffet Lunch, and at the end of the day, that’s the least refreshing thing about them. The Scottish outfit, skitters in with the jittering angular guitar riffs and off-kilter percussive elements, allowing the vocals to seemingly play vocal hopscotch atop all the various musical elements. At times, it feels like the vocals are there to accent the instruments, or perhaps it is the other way around…all the same it sounds simultaneously explosive and cohesive, like containing artful TNT in a nice pop bubble. The thematic reference is about out of touch politicians, and though it’s primarily focused on Britain, I’m pretty sure we can all relate, sadly. This tune appears on The Power of Rocks, out May 7th via Upset the Rhythm.

Buffet Lunch Share Red Apple Happiness

It’s strange that as the world clamors for more of the same, I’m just drawn to these voices and performances that seem to be isolated out there in the world. Take this new Buffet Lunch jam, for instance. Going through my email, I can see a dozen other bands playing in the same ballpark, but they’re speeding around the bases, dropping that formulaic not quite post-punk…and it’s, well, it’s fine. But, here comes a band that just seem to toy with the formula, they’re deconstructing the standard notions of the genre. For one, the pace is a bit like a stutter, or an askew hop-along. The vocals have this punch in the front syllable, but often get pulled back to reveal the curl of pop sensibility the band bring to the table. Don’t even get me started on the squawk of the horns and that jittery guitar line here and there. Makes sense that the band would find a home for their LP, The Power of Rocks, over on Upset the Rhythm. It drops on May 7th.

Bumping New Track From The Ninth Wave

Glasgow based outfit The Ninth Wave truly came onto my musical radar during SXSW in 2019 when I interviewed them as part of our festival guide. Since that time, the band dropped their critically acclaimed debut album Infancy and released an EP entitled Happy Days! earlier this year. Staying ever busy, the band just released this banging new single today called “Everything Will be Fine”. If you were looking for a little Friday morning motivation, look no further, as this tune is full of fun energy, hope, and an overall danceable vibe. Hit play on this one and get your dance party started early.

Upbeat Number From Vistas

As the long quarantine continues, I’m willing to bet that some of you may begin finding yourself in a less than ideal mood at times. We’ve all been there right? Well luckily we have some help from our friends in the Edinburgh based band Vistas with their upbeat new single “15 Years”. This song is a straight up engaging mixture of New York rockers like The Strokes blended perfectly with a more pop rock, anthemic sound. The video below is also a special one as it features home footage of the band’s many fans lip syncing to the song during this extended time in lockdown. What was originally planed for filming in Austin during SXSW has actually turned into something truly special and unique after the festival cancellation. It should hit you in all the feels. And hey we interviewed them before SXSW!

Vistas will release their debut album Everything Changes in the End on May 29th via Believe.

Have Another From Catholic Action

The new album, Celebrated by Strangers, from Glasgow based band Catholic Action is surely going to be one of my favorites of the year. With the album coming out on Friday, I don’t have much time left to hype it for you, but we do have this one last single to share called “I’m No Artist”. This one still has that bit of a dancey vibe while offering more in the way of loud and edgy guitar mixes. And hey, those guitar solos, hot damn!

If you’re into it, order yourself a copy of the new album now via Palo Santo Records.

Dropkick Share Another Single Off the Scenic Route

Let me just say this…if you’re writing guitar pop music at this very instant, please make it sound like Dropkick. The Scottish outfit have been around for a bit, but the forthcoming album, The Scenic Route, just seems to get better with each single used for promotion. Listening below, you’ll hear that ringing semi-jangle, encouraging a slight toe tap and head bob; it’s subtle, as are the band’s many charms. Sure, the vocals could be described as warm or gentle, but I think of them more as pleasant…something I’d sit and listen to with my mom on her back porch. It’s short, it’s catchy and makes you feel good about the world (for once), so be sure to pick it up from Bobo Integral; it drops on February 7th.

Hot New Track From Holy Esque

Our Glasgow amigos in Holy Esque once played a show for me at Nomad, and I have remained a loyal fan ever since. It’s crazy that the band has been absolutely silent for about a year, but the guys are now ready to share with us what they’ve been working on for all that time. This new track, “I Am The Truth”, is to serve as a preview for the new full length LP entitled Television/Sweetwhich is due out June 8th via Beyond the Frequency. What can I say really, this is Holy Esque at their best and finest. A heavy synth, that always impressive gruff vocal, and of course the guitar freak out ending is always welcome. I say go on and pre-order the new record while you enjoy this one.

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