Stella Donnelly Share How Was Your Day

I love the dynamism in the way Stella Donnelly handles her vocals on all her work, but especially on this song. It begins with a matter-of-fact delivery, rushing at times, stern at other points. But, it gets peeled back for the chorus to kind of drift in angelically, hanging ever so lightly in the air while the guitar does a sweet dance behind. Then, as the song draws towards its end, Donnelly offers another tone, melodic but softened, almost like a midpoint between the spoken word and heavenly notes filtering through. Flood is out August 26th via Secretly Canadian.

New Tunes from Magnolia Electric Co

jason3Jason Molina has taken a few years off, though we can assume he’s just been laying low and biding his time.  Now he’s ready to unleash a new Magnolia Electric Co album, Josephine, on the masses in July on Secretly Canadian.  We’re here to offer you the title track from the album for your enjoyment.


Download: Magnolia Electric Co – Josephine [MP3]

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