Mal Blum Shares See Me

Great pop rock comes few and far between, but it definitely seems like a lot of it has been coming from Mal Blum in the last few months, building anticipation for the release of Pity Boy. It’s a pretty classic formula with verse chorus verse etc, but dammit if this chorus won’t get stuck in your head all day long; I love the infectiousness that begs for a sing-a-long in the live set. The subject matter seems deals with the narrator feeling invisible, which could relate to Mal Blum or not; I’m sure we’ve all felt that way at times, unfortunately. Jus another reason to connect to Pity Boy; it drops Friday via Don Giovanni.

Show Spotlight: X_X and Obnox @ Barracuda (TONIGHT!)

xxxIf you call yourself a fan of punk rock, modern or old school, you either end up at this show over at Barracuda or you’re a fraud. For starters, the night kicks off with local rockers Marriage and Coma in Algiers…no slouch in their own right. But, you get a touch of history with X_X, a band fronted by John D Morton (the electric eels). This guy’s been making real rock n’ roll for so long, it’s hard to ignore. And, the drummer for X_X is one of my favorite rockers Lamont Thomas, who will also be bringing along his band Obnox. You think Ty Segall is prolific? You haven’t heard Lamont.

Tickets are only 10 bucks and the Doors are at 9 PM. Come get your rock on!

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