Wussy Announce Cincinnatti Ohio

If you were near the Internet yesterday, I hope you heard that Wussy are back, after a six year gap and the passing of guitarist John Erhardt. His role in that band built in a texture that made the group almost a rare gem in the scene, but perhaps that’s where the band picks up on their latest single, reflecting on the way John and others have impacted us, even when they’re not on the other end of the telephone. Musically, there’s a rollicking rock nature here, something that has this natural drive and punch to it, albeit with a quieted ambient wall behind, allowing the emotion to crest amidst heavy textural builds. Really looking forward to hearing how far they push themselves; Cincinnati Ohio is out November 15th via Shake It Records.

Chuck Cleaver Shares Terrible Friend

Former Ass Ponys frontman Chuck Cleaver is prepping for the release of his new solo effort Send Aid, and with that, he’s got a new single to share out there. To me, this is like a barroom stomper; it’s got these two feuding guitar lines, one strumming while the other feeds noise to the listener’s ear. Chuck’s voice matches that juxtaposed vibe, forceful at times, while stretching to reach the more melodic tones throughout the verses; I like that after all this time he still has this fragility in his voice, the little sort of imperfections that turn listeners to fanatics. Send Aid will be out on July 19th via Shake It Records, with a tour up in the North East to follow.

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