A New Song and Album from Barreracudas

11169775_10153293848183410_3988009600278316114_oYou’d have to go all the way back to 2011 to see our adoration for Barreracudas…the ATL power-pop band.  I’ve been waiting for something brand new from the group, and they’ve managed to trickle out a couple of excellent 7″, but it looks like the group has a new full-length coming our way; it’s titled Can Do Easy, and has a release on Oops Baby Records.  This song came along with their announcement, though it’s been part of the band’s live set for a little bit.  You’ll hear huge riffs and hooks, all of which make make me a happy listener.

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5/11 Elvis Perkins @ The Parish

ep_03On a quiet Monday evening, The Parish continued its recent tradition of well-produced shows as they put on a solid bill, with ATH favorites Other Lives and Elvis Perkins joined by his new band Dearland, supplying the talent. An orchestral grab bag of instrumentation ranging from cellos to trombones, to flutes, a harmonium and organs were laid upon the stage foreshadowing an ambitious evening of unpolluted musical ability in front of a very attentive audience.  Follow the jump to continue reading our review.

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