Sorry I’m Late: Here’s The Fireworks

LIFE099_Cover480Man, I hate myself.  In the recovery process that was post-SXSW, I forgot how much I loved this jam from The Fireworks.  The band just recently released their The Fireworks EP, and it’s this blistering bit of guitar-pop for you to digest.  On this four song effort, the guitar work is really what does it for me; it provides a gritty edge to the group’s poppier underbelly.  This tune in particular will have you tapping your toes, bobbing your head and hopefully picking up the EP from Shelflife Records.  You know what’s good for you, don’t you?

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Looking In on Shelflife Records

LIFE097_Cover480Been following Shelflife Records for a bit now, and I had almost forgotten to check back with them on plans for 2013.  Good thing I took a look-see, as they’ve got two great new acts I want to share with you.  First, you’ve got Spain’s When Nalda Became Punk.  It’s refreshing to hear spirited jangle-pop coming with just a hint of a Spanish accent. They’re debut for the label, A Farewell to Youth, is out now.  Also, the label has just put out the Goodly Thousands 7″, with the Irish group kicking out really rad indie pop, like a less-angular version of The Lodger.  Music like this really makes it easy for me to come back to work on a Monday.


Download:When Nelda Became Punk – When It’ll Come [MP3]


Download: Goodly Thousands – Honest[MP3]

New(ish) Music from The Garlands

Those of us in love with indie pop have been awaiting the release of The Garlands for what seems like an eternity, but the time is finally upon us.  The Swedish group has finally polished up their self-titled work, with a vinyl release date scheduled for November 27th via the folks over at Shelflife Records.  It’s going to be a very limited release, making the blissful pop a necessity for all the fans of such things.  The one song they’ve got up currently is full of energy and jangling goodness, not to mention lofty vocal melodies.  If you’re not digging this, then you have no heart.


Download:The Garlands – Open Arms [MP3]

New Synth Pop From Ice Choir

Drummer for Pains of Being Pure at Heart Kurt Feldman has always been the one in the group who seems to keep himself busy during lulls with his full time band.  Between his time with his original group Depreciation Guild, POBPAH, and now with newer group Ice Choir, the guy gets around.  His current project Ice Choir just released their very first 7″ single “Two Rings” via Shelflife Records a couple days ago and we’re pretty pumped to pick it up.  The style truly embodies the genre synth pop and confirms that the return of new wave is in full force.


Download: Ice Choir – Two Rings [MP3]

New Track from Burning Hearts

Are you looking for that perfect pop track with a nice little hook and some female vocals? Well, you need look no more, as we’ve got this great track from Finnish group Burning Hearts, who just released their Into the Wilderness EP on Shelflife Records.  There’s something nostalgic in the craft of this song, yet it definitely still maintains every bit of modernity, coating the sound with bits of keyboards and a lightly strummed guitar in the background.  Be sure to give credit to Jessika, as it’s her vocals that make every bit of this track (and EP) worthwhile! Hope you enjoy a nice little dose of swooning pop today.


Download: Burning Hearts – Into The Wilderness [MP3]

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