More New Music From She’s So Rad

Right at the beginning of summer I posted about this up and coming New Zealand band She’s So Rad and their fresh new take on the shoegaze movement.  Today the band just sent me over this new track “Time” which is similar in style to the first track we heard from the band “Confetti”.  I see tons of promise for this band and I expect more great things to come from them in the upcoming year.  A new album is said to be on it’s way sometime in the early part of 2013, so stay tuned here as the information develops.


Download: She’s So Rad – Time [MP3]

New Music From She’s So Rad

This band She’s So Rad hit us up recently to let us know about their new single “Confetti” and I’ve taken a liking to it after a few spins.  It’s clearly in the shoe gaze movement, but also has this really nice twee pop element to it with a seriously catchy beat in the background.  The New Zealand based group are currently working on a follow up to their 2011 debut In Circles and offer this song as a preview of what’s to come.  I’m listening.


Download: She’s So Rad – Confetti [MP3]

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