Young Girls EP Release Party @ Lamberts (2/20)

YGThis wasn’t how this show was originally planned, but sometimes your stars all line up in the right way, and we’re happy to announce that this Thursday we’ll be throwing down with Young Girls to release their much anticipated 7″, courtesy of Austintownhall Records.  I’ve got the EP down below for you to jam to your hearts conent, guaranteeing you’ll want to be there, or you can order it HERE.  Another reason to come…two of the best young bands in Austin, Shivery Shakes and Reservations.  I can’t go on too much about SS, as my lady friend is getting a little jealous of William, but I can say this: I’ve been watching them play for awhile, and while they were always good, they’ve never sounded as great and confident as they do now.  And Reservations? That’s a band that is expected to have a huge year; the songs are there, the drive is there, it’s just a matter of time before it blows up.  So come join us, and I’ll sell you a 7″.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

ATH Interview: Shivery Shakes + Video Premiere

Shakes AMBA BannerWe’re trying to put together as much of a push as we can to make this year’s Austin Music Bloggers Awards pretty special.  We wanted to sit down with a few of the acts to get their insight on Austin, the Awards show, etc.  We caught up with William of Shivery Shakes who shared a few thoughts on such things.  His band is up for Best Single with “Sidewalk Talk;” HERE are the other nominees.  As you may recall, we attended the festivitivities for the that song’s video premiere, check the pics. You can also check out that video of said single running on the Internet for the first time at the end of the interview.

Don’t forget to grab your tickets HERE.  They’re selling pretty fast with a great rock show/award ceremony on the cards. Read more

Announcing the Austin Music Blogger Awards – February 27, 2014

14-AMBA-Logo-Amp-Color-3x3We’ve kept this a secret long enough! We’re here to announce the Austin Music Blogger Awards! This event has been carefully coordinated through the hard work of your local Austin Blogger Community: Austin Town Hall, Red River Noise, Ultra 8201, Side One Track One, Austin Bloggy Limits, Pop Press International, OVRLD, and Republic of Austin. We’re working with the excellent folks at Austin Music People, who’ll be running the show with the help of Fender.  Not only will there be awards, but also rad bands to play all night long.

Here’s the details:

The doors will open at 7:30 PM on February 27th at SpiderHouse Ballroom. Bands will start at 8:30, with awards in between.

We’ll have Jess Williamson, Magna Carda, Shivery Shakes, Orthy, Mirror Travel, A Giant Dog + a Special Guest.

Austin Music People will present awards for behind the scenes folks such as Best Recording Studio and Best Poster Design.  The Bloggers will present awards ranging from Best Band to Best DJ. You can read a full list of the awards and nominees HERE.

Tickets are $12 in advance; buy them HERE.

And, because we know that YOUR voice is just as important as ours, we want you to help us select our Readers Choice Austin Album of 2013.  Cast your vote right HERE. Votes must be submitted by 5 PM on Friday, February 21st.

Thanks to everyone for their hard work (especially Jennifer at AMP for putting up with so many different opinions), including Eva at Spider House! We’ll bring you more news as we draw near. Please come out and support the local Austin Music Community.  And thanks to our sponsor Fender.



Austin Weekend Shows Preview

A Giant DogA lot of the folks in Austin filled their quota for January rock shows during Free Week, but in case you didn’t get your fill, there are some rad shows happening around town, including a few bands throwing an old school house party for your pleasure. Below you’ll find a list of suggestions, so should you choose a show, pick one of these.


Tiger Waves and Shivery Shakes @ Pearl St. Co-Op – Free beer while it lasts – FREE

A Giant Dog, Bad Lovers, One Hitters, Dumb @ Hole in the Wall

The Digital Wild @ Mohawk – 9 PM – Album Release


Dent May and Tiger Waves @ Holy Mountain – 9 PM

Think No Think, Ringo Deathstarr, The Ripe @ The North Door @ 9 PM

And here’s some jams to get you feeling in the mood.

[audio:] [audio:]

Austin Free Week Reflections

ATH Free Week 14 BannerDespite the debates of recent months concerning Free Week and proper pay, it’s probably best if we look at the unique situation set up by promoters here in town (and Transmission wasn’t the only force putting on great shows!).  For a little over a week, every big venue in town was filling out line-ups with their favorite acts, the newest bands and the old stand-bys. Personally, I had an incredible time, and relished in the environment Austin offers.  

Here’s some thoughts for you, as well as my highlights. 

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Free Week Weekend Preview

austin-skyline-mark-weaverWe hate to see it happen, but at some point, Free Week has to end.  For the sake of the venues, our livers and our bands. As we head into the final weekend of free music about town, we ask that you do your best to catch some band, any band, out on the town this weekend.  It’s been a rad week of some new discoveries and some old favorites; I hope you had the same experience.  Here’s where to go:


Riverboat Gamblers, Hundred Visions, Midgetmen at Red 7 @ 9 PM

Black Books, Ringo Deathstarr, Hello Caller at the Mohawk @ 7 PM

Shivery Shakes, Tiger Waves, La Migra, DFD at Cheer Up Charlies @ 8 PM

Christian Bland at  Hotel Vegas @ 9 PM

A.Sinclair, East Cameron Folkcore, My Jerusalem  Holy Mountain @ 9 PM


Trustees, Sweet Talk, Gospel Truth at Beerland @ 9 PM

Letting Up Despite Great Faults, The Sour Notes, Borrisokane @ the Mohawk

Royal Forest, Young Girls, Little Radar at Cheer Up Charlies @ 6 PM


Ruby Fray, Jess Williamson, Midnight Masses at Cheer Up Charlies @ 7 PM

Zoltars at Beerland @ 9 PM

Listen to some jams from Tiger Waves, Young Girls and Jess Williamson.

[audio:] [audio:] [audio:]


Tuesday/Wednesday Free Week Previews

austin-skyline-mark-weaverSo, if you haven’t seen a live band playing in Austin in the last few days, then you’re really missing out on one of the great things about Austin (at least from the music spectators perspective).  We continue our efforts to keep you informed with our list of shows you should check out in the next few days.  Brave the cold and catch some great music folks.


Shivery Shakes and RF Shannon at the Mohawk @ 8 PM (Indoors…you’ll be warm)

Speak @ Holy Mountain


Dikes of Holland at Beerland @ 9 PM

Halaska at North Door @ 10 PM

Isaiah the Mosaic at Red 7 @ 9 PM


Download: Shivery Shakes – Sidewalk Talk [MP3]

Friday Top 5: Emerging Austin Artists 2014

2014 Austin BannerThose in Austin have surely taken note that the Austin music scene seems to have been on a high as of late, and 2014 is starting to look just as good for our local community.  We wanted to take a little time out of your day to harp on some new acts, or acts that we expect huge things from in the upcoming year.  They’re numbered in no particular order, just the five artists to look into. Feel free to disagree, and add on to this list so we know who else to keep an eye on. I completely expect a few of these artists to emerge beyond Austin and make some pretty heavy national waves as well.

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Shivery Shakes Single Premiere + Release Show

904695_621939517863632_1057720992_oLong have we supported the Shivery Shakes, and we’re really excited that they’re well underway with some new tunes for you all to hear.  A few of those songs will be released via a Punctum Records 7″, and they’ll be on hand for the release, which is all the more reason to attend; it’s just the first taste of new music from the band before their new LP comes out in 2014.  Plus, if you show up, you’re guaranteed a killer line-up of local heavy-hitters like Grape St, Little Lo and Loblolly Boy.  Great music, cool place (The Owl), and a new release from Shivery Shakes? Yep, you’re right…that sounds like the place to be Friday night. Show starts at 9, so come early, stay late.  It’s $8 at the door, but you get four great bands, free beer and food.  Flexi 7″ will be on sale $5, so support the locals and buy merch! 

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