Stream Sirens at Golden Hour from Phantom Handshakes

Visiting this site over the last few year means you’ve likely caught wind of Phantom Handshakes, a New York outfit we’ve been praising since their earliest days. With that, we’ve watched them move from a quieted dream pop act to something that adheres to the genre’s style while still blossoming into something that feels bolder and much brighter. Their latest record, Sirens at Golden Hour, is a huge leap sonically, as all the little corners and bits that typically get swept under the rug are allowed to exist here, creating an entire record of pop tunes that feel heavier, though holding onto the pop sensibility. The darkness of “Apart” is still one of my favorite tunes, but you’ll notice that the entirety of the album just feels larger than life, displaying just how far the band have come in their brief existence. Stream the whole new LP below!

Phantom Handshakes Share Apart Video

Through the first two singles from the new Phantom Handshakes LP, you could see the progress/growth from their earlier work. This go round, they seem to be delving into a bit darker territory in a sense, which we don’t mind one single bit, particularly as the execution of the sound around Federica’s work is on point. If you press play, you’re greeted by a growling wall of distortion, though it’s pushed into the far-off background, in favor of the sharper guitar stabs up front. But, both subside, leaving only the rhythm section and an atmospheric wind blowing across the tune, all of it creating more of an anxiety-ridden haunted house vibe, which feels like fairly new territory. All that said, there’s still a pop core, that’ll keep you coming back to grab a listen to Sirens at Golden Hour.

Phantom Handshakes Share Dusk Enchanted Visualizer

Avowed Phantom Handshakes fan over here, and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the whole of their new record, but for now I’ll do with another tasty tease. “Dusk Enchanted” is one of those tunes that completely captures the song’s title in its sentiment. Heavy guitar tones weave the pattern here, providing the element of darkness as it creeps into the sky; you’ll find that feeling creeping into your room too as the song begins to unfold. Federica’s voice, however, captures the whole of the fading light, sparkling as the last remnant of the sun before we settle into the night. And through it all, the melody is wholly intoxicating, and you won’t be able to pull yourself away from this beautiful number. Sirens at Golden Hour is out on August 21st.

Phantom Handshakes Return with Sirens at Golden Hour

New York’s dreamy popsters Phantom Handshakes have been quietly going about the delivery of consistently good pop music over the last four years; they’re finally back with an official new LP, Sirens at Golden Hour, with a stunner to set your expectations. As per usual, they’ve got this wash of atmosphere coating the methodical bounce from the rhythm section; they’re capable of making even the catchiest moments seem like a hazy mirage on the horizon. You’re going to love Federica’s performance too, as she picks up on the energy of the song, bouncing her voice into the mixture from time to time. Sirens at Golden Hour will drop on August 21st, and the feels are trending up for this release.

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