Another Great Mutual Benefit Track

mutualbenefitAdmittedly, I wasn’t entirely on board for the first wave of Mutual Benefit hype, but on this new cycle, I’ve completely committed my support. This song is the perfect illustration at the care put into the band’s craft; it celebrates the band’s orchestral movements, while also portraying the fragility of voice. As the song sprawls over 4 minutes, you’re completely enraptured in the song’s movement, though glacial at pace. This is what should move us, should move you. Skip a Sinking Stone will be out via Mom + Pop Records on May 20th.

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Perfect Pop from Mutual Benefit

mutualbenefitThere are some songs that are executed almost to perfection, and this brand new Mutual Benefit is one such number. Almost from the opening moments, the careful layering of strings and quieted percussion lays the groundwork for this perfect piece of pop. Vocals enter the picture carefully, melting into the song itself, touching every emotion as the song progresses towards its quiet end. This song looks to play a prominent role in your enjoyment, or anyone’s enjoyment, when Skip a Sinking Stone is released via Mom + Pop on May 20th.

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