Soft Power Records Final Release is Dora Maar

flightsIt’s always a sad day when a label has to call it a day, so I’m really bummed that Soft Power Records (home to Witching Waves) will be calling it a day with their final release being the latest EP from Dora Maar, Flights. If you haven’t listened to Dora Maar, or even heard of them, then perhaps this is a great place to start. I love the album’s opener, working with a vocal atop skittering guitar and percussive elements; it bursts forth into this beautiful moment of bright pop for the chorus, swinging your spirits high in the air before setting you back down to settle back into the groove. You’ll be able to grab this release on August 27th, but let’s wish Bek and Graeme good luck in all the future brings them!

Fuzzy Noise from Cruising

artworks-000075338379-2d6pfx-t500x500Mondays always start off a little slowly, so I wanted to make sure you had something really noisy and amped up to get you going while you roll into the office.  I stumbled across this tune from Cruising and realized that it absolutely has to make its way into your rotation this morning. Rumor on the street is that the band is made up of various members of September Girls, Sea Pinks and Girls Names, which means we’re guaranteed to love them.  All that matters is that the song is this female-fronted sludgy rocker; vocals are shouted from a distance, breaking through the wall of noise.  Gotta get rad this morning, then pick up the single from Soft Power Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Twee Garage Pop From Beat Marks

I’m not sure if anyone has ever used the term twee garage pop before so I plan on coining it as my own if it has yet to be claimed.  That’s the term I’m using to describe this relatively new Paris based outfit Beat Marks.  Their sound combines the twee elements of POBPAH with some of the indie garage bands like Yo la Tengo or even a touch of Sonic Youth.  Those comparisons may seem a bit bold, but I find the band might just be worthy.

You can check out a new 5 song EP by the band over on their bandcamp page coming your way from Soft Power Records.


Download: Beat Mark – Between My Teeth [MP3]

Genius Pop Tune from The Spook School

A short while ago I raved about the new 7″ from The Spook School, and they’re wasting no time getting back at it again with this excellent new cassette EP on Soft Power Records/Vinyl.  When the song opens it’s just casual twee pop, which is all well and good, but when they blast off at the 20 second mark, you’ll feel your heart jump for joy.  It’s a joyous jangling pop tune trading male and female vocal parts throughout the tune. If you’re in search of some ramshackle indie pop to get stuck inside your head for days, then you’ve come to the right place!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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