Gem From Paul Bergmann

1457530_552370428228320_4657213407371074694_nMan I have been enjoying this new Paul Bergmann tune most of the evening and wanted to send it your way on this fine hump day.  The track, “Old Dream”, is a true songwriter’s gem in the vein of old Tallest Man or even up and comer Andrew St. James.  It’s truly a special number.

Paul currently has a 7″ single with this track and one other out now on Fairax Recordings.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Great New Track From Jack Ladder

artworks-000104359373-5o2vaa-t500x500Jack Ladder is an artist that I was introduced to a few years ago and I have been following him and his band The Dreamlanders ever since.  Today I’m excited to hear that a new album is in the works and the first single called “To Keep and be Kept”is available for streaming.  I’m loving the haunting, deep vocal style that originally made me a fan.  The sweet and soothing vocal contribution from Sharon Van Etten here plays beautifully off the baritone of Jack to create an enchanting and memorable song.

Playmates is available on February 24th via Fat Possum.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Intimate Number From Chris Staples

10440874_10152250750192857_1649314468670230278_nSeattle based musician Chris Staples is often times more well known for the artists he frequently supports as a guitarist than for his own outstanding solo material.  Today I want to put the spotlight on Chris and share with you his beauty of a new single called “Hold Onto Something”.  You can expect a mellow tune that may take some time to get under your skin and find a home, but once it does, you will find it’s not going anywhere.  Chris easily has one of my favorite voices in the business.

Pick up new album, American Soft, on August 12th via Barsuk Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Austin Spotlight: Diego McCartney

5a6b9325ca13a9d1-youtubeprofilepicAs I’ve previously mentioned, I feel like Austin is really make a strong resurgence with the high number of quality musicians we are currently churning out.  The last few years have really produced some memorable artists for me and I’m hoping we can continue that momentum going.  Moving us in the right direction is new and upcoming songwriter Diego McCartney.  Apparently Diego has been making music for quite some time on his own and has just now decided to offer his beautiful tunes up to the world.  This one, “Found in Few”, is fairly simple at first, but incredibly powerful after a few more listens.  The gentle guitar strumming mixed in with the perfect, emotional delivery of the vocals creates a really special moment here.  Enjoy.

Diego has a few more tunes over on his soundcloud page.  Say hi or drop him a line on his website.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Introducing: Tim Guy

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we get a lot of cold music submissions on ATH and many of them are fairly mediocre.  So it’s nice when we get some great music from relatively unknown musicians like singer/songwriter Tim Guy from Australia.  Now Tim has been doing his thing for over a decade having written music in New Zealand, Spain, and the aforementioned Australia.  He’s also done quite a bit of touring in his native land as well as some stints throughout Europe.  His music brings forth images of fellow folk songwriter Bonnie Prince Billy with the down home country style feel to the songs.  It’s a very real and heartfelt type of sound that makes me dream of what it might be like in the countryside of the land down under to inspire such beautiful music.

Tim is currently working on putting out a new album entitled Dreaming of a Night Mango which he plans to get to his fans sometime in early 2013.


Download: Tim Guy – Armour Weight [MP3]

Mellow Folk From Neil Halstead

Sometimes I can use a bit of a break from the usual catchy pop tune or punk  jam that we seem to bring day in and day out. Hopefully this new song “Digging Shelters” from Neil Halstead will mix things up a bit and provide a sort of calming influence on those of you stressed out during the early part of this week.  It really is a soothing tune that is beautifully written as a slow ballad to ease your ear drums.  A new album from Neil, Palindrome Hunches, will be coming on November 5th via Sonic Cathedral Recordings.


Download: Neil Halstead – Digging Shelters [MP3]

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