Above The Radar Party @ Ghost Room
We’re happy to announce today a little party we’re helping put on next weekend at the up and coming music venue Ghost Room. This little shindig is hosted by Above the Radar PR and Do512 along with support from yours truly and End of an Ear Records. The lineup features 3 solid local bands going by the names of Monahans, Sad Accordions and Frank Smith. To make the event even that much more special, we will all be there to celebrate the birth year of our dear friend Michael over at Sonic Itch. Word on the street has it that he is old as dirt so expect him to turn to dust at the stroke of midnight. Should be good times had by all. We’ll make sure to plug this party again a few days before the January 16th date next week. Show time? 9pm ladies.
Download: Sad Accordions – Sacrificial Chumpsucker Diatribe [MP3]