Show Preview: Moving Units Cover Joy Division @ 3Ten (Tonight)

It looks like I’ll have my electronic dancing shoes on a lot this week, hitting up my second electronically influenced show tonight at 3Ten. Why? Well, for starters, Moving Units will be playing a set filled with Joy Division tunes (and an original set too); you never get tired of hearing those tracks, no matter who plays them (as long as they do it well). But, an even bigger highlight for me is that Soviet is kicking the night off. I remember catching the band a long time ago at SXSW, and played the song I’ve got below for every friend that came into my life; I always tried to turn them onto the great dance tunes. Doors are at 8 PM, and you can maybe grab tickets and dancing shoes right HERE.

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Electro Pop from Fountaineer

fountaineerWay back in the early 00s, when I was sneaking into SXSW showcases, I caught this really incredible band, Soviet. While everyone was playing guitar-driven dance music, they were using old school synths; they were my favorite act for awhile. Now comes Fountaineer, sounding oddly similar; they employ the same beat structure, as well as some of the same sonic touches I remember. The music is catchy, but a little hint of darkness makes it perfect for snobby music fans. It’s a brand new single from the Aussie band, so sit back and enjoy this delightful tune.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Soviet Return via Burger Records

Soviet_no_ghostsThere hasn’t been a synth-pop band in the last ten or so years that really stuck with me quite like Soviet has.  Ever since I first caught them at SXSW back in 2003, they’ve made it on to many a mixtape and “DJ” set.  It’s been so long, I had no idea they were even still working together, but it looks like Burger Records has their hands on a brand new album from the group.  There’s really not too much to say, other than this might be one of the most-overlooked dream-pop acts that’s been birthed in the last couple of decades (just one man’s opinion).  I can’t wait to hear all of Ghosts when it’s released this week!

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Introducing Telephantom

10349194_813275075400291_8705944154510680169_nOne of the great things about running your own site is you get to write about whatever the fuck you want, especially your friends bands.  Here I am today introducing you to my friend Nick’s band, Telephantom.  Nick plays drums in Young Girls, but this new act he’s working with is pure synth pop.  There’s obviously an energetic push in the front with that hooky synth line.  The more I listen, the more it reminds me of this band Soviet who I used to dance to all day long in my room.  Not sure what the future recording plans are for these guys, but they’ll have a show in Houston this Saturday at Fitzgerald’s…you know, if you’re out that way.


Download: Telephantom – Silence [MP3]

Suicide Squeeze to Issue Dasher 7″

dashFrom the moment this song kicks off, there’s something dangerous about this song from Dasher.  You can just hear the volume turned up to deafening levels in the live setting, with the vocals screamed in your face the entire set.  Your ears are going to take a pummeling, but that’s precisely why I feel like sharing it.  There’s an inherent violence in the tune, and in that approach there’s also a disregard for personal safety.  I’m hooked on it, so why not give it some space here. The Soviet 7″ will be released by Suicide Squeeze on October 14th…music to my ears.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Track from Soft Metals

My boy Nick passed this track along, and it’s got several interesting little twists that really made me a fan of Soft Metals today.  I began falling for the atmospheric wash that breached my ear drums for the first few seconds, but then it dropped some electronic beats before fleshing out the track with some female vocals.  I mean, if you’re going to make electronic music, it should sound like this; reminds me of Soviet.  So if you’re a fan, like I am, be sure to give the band a good listen, then go off and buy their record next week, July 19th, via Captured Tracks (the hottest label around).


Download: Soft Metals – Eyes Closed [MP3]

New Tunes from Soviet

sovietSome people just want to listen to dance music. Today, I am playing a song for those in the world of dance music.  Soviet is a band from NYC who won me over years back at SXSW, and they are just now releasing the follow-up to to their debut; the new album is titled Spies in the House of Love. Apparently it was recorded long ago, but is just now seeing the light of day. Take a listen and move those feet.


Download: Soviet – Photographs [MP3]

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