Luna Keller Shares Prophecy

As of late, the majority of my listening habits have delved into the indiepop realm, but I still fawn over a great melodic ballad, like this track from Luna Keller. I loved the song and its bare presentation at the beginning, drawing you into the vocals as strings resonate in your speakers. Still, what made this one stand out was when those little vocal flourishes raised up Keller’s voice in the front of the mix. And even then, the song still had a final change, adding in some light percussion to cement the song’s memorable quality! Just another in a string of great singles from the songwriter this year!

Aiko El Grupo Share Quiero Conocer

You know when you turn on a song and you can immediately tell its got its musical hooks in you? Well, when I turned on this new jam from Aiko El Grupo, that’s exactly how I felt, even before the vocals came into play; it just had that inexplicable bounce I wanted to be part of right away. I wanted to jump about in celebration with all my friends; I wanted beer sprayed all through the air; I wanted us all screaming at the top of my lungs. In fact, that’s exactly what I got when everything came together from this new single…if that feels like something you’d want to be part of, then you better turn it up right now! The band release their debut album next month via Elefant Records.

Torres Satellite Share La Ventana Discreta

Discos de Kirlian is one of my favorite truly independent labels; they’ve turned me onto some really great pop music from Spain that I probably wouldn’t have heard otherwise. Today, I’m super in love with new act Torres Satelite, who’ve just shared their first release via the label, La Ventana Discreta. I love the pulse of the music; it’s catchy, though relying upon it simplicity to allow the song to breathe; it reminds me in a lot of ways of Soviet. The dueling vocals from male and female singers certainly puts an added charm into the tune. Figured some folks might get on board with this tune.

Enjoy Maggie Blue by Dead Parties

Dead Parties is the work of Etienne Mamo, who has also plays in the New Black; he’s currently relocated form his native Australia to Spain, where he’s rocking his solo work like the below single. There’s some psychedelic fuzz around the corners, which, of course, I’m digging on, though I’ll admit that there’s this really great pop sensibility that rides through the core of the song that drew me in initially. It’s kind of like a chugging power-pop tune with hints of psychedelic haze. It’s a good little rocking tune, and for me, a great introduction to Dead Parties…perhaps its the same for you…or so I hope.

Spain Indie Labels Start Music for Gloves

Two things I love, Spanish indie labels, and a really great cause. Over in Spain, a bunch of the independent labels (like Bobo Integral and Meritorio) got together and gathered some rare and new tunes, put them all together, and are now releasing it under the title Music For Gloves. Each label has offered up some rarities in an attempt to raise funds to buy gloves for the hospitals on the frontline of this pandemic. I know we’ve got friends all over the world, so if this is of interest, this a great place to listen to new music and help raise funds. Here’s a new demo from my favorites, El Palacio de Linares.

Fresh 7″ from Linda Guilala

Today completes the wonderful trilogy of singles from Spain’s Linda Guilala (band/not person); they drop a fresh 7″ on heralded label Test Pattern Records. The A-side here, it’s a stunner. Guitars and texture swirl in the air like snow flurries falling to the ground, leaving plenty of space for the warm vocals to move into the picture, as well as some buzzsaw guitars; it’s probably the most complete dream pop meets shoegaze tune I’ve heard this year. B-Side will definitely display nods to Stereolab, particularly in the movement of the rhythm section whilst being coated in organ stabs, feedback and layered vocal notes. Two brilliant songs to better your Friday. Absolutely brilliant. Grab the 7″ from Test Pattern Records, or stream it all day long!

New Music from Ana & Luis

Today is going to take an international bend, so why not start it out with Spanish outfit Ana & Luis, who just dropped this great new 7″ for our friends over at Meritorio Records. Imagine growing up on 60s folk music, but falling head over heels in love with indiepop; this is what must have occurred to bring us the joyous songs below. On one hand, you get this sort of lightly jangling ballad; the A side is soft and breezy, just sort of drifting through your ears in the most pleasant sense. On the B side you get a little bit more of a bounce, with this sort of wonky gallop working behind these circular jangling guitar notes; I love the subtle twists in the vocals that bubble up in this tune. If you love it, and you do, then jump right over to Meritorio Records and pick it up. Grab that new Sprinters LP while you’re at it!

Nueva Cancion from Fantasmamidi

I get that the language barrier makes the average pop fan turn away from the non-Anglophiles, but you’re missing out if you haven’t jammed to Fantasmamidi; I absolutely to listen to their self titled LP (HERE) and tell me you don’t love it. None of that really matters at the moment, as I want to turn my attention towards the band’s latest single off the forthcoming Letargo. Not to jump to conclusions, but the word translates to lethargy, which seems to have a sonic impact on this single; it’s far slower than the previous fare, though equally as special. The guitar lines have these deep tones that are accented by these sparkling electronic notes. In the vocals you have this solemn delivery, sort of like looking back with fondness on the band’s early sound. Looks like the new LP will be handled by the great Discos de Kirlian.

Stream Alaska from Ultim Cavall

It’s Friday, and people are all about those streams, but I want you to be all about those pop songs; the kind that instinctively make you swoon, like the entire LP from Ultim Cavall. I’ve given you a few of these tunes already, and I know that the non-English lyrical content is a bit of a stretch…but dammit if these songs don’t just you want to learn new languages. The entirety of Alaska walks this line between bouncy indiepop and the dreamiest of dream pop numbers. “Els Ilacs” is a jam and a half, but I’ve really grown partial to the title track, “Alaska.” Just ten solid pop tracks to make your life infinitely better. Out now on Discos de Kirlian.

New Release from Dois

Those of you who follow this site know that I’m a huge fan of ramshackle pop music and the sort, and over the last of two years I’ve really gotten into the Spanish side of the genre, particularly that coming from Discos de Kirlian. Just recently the label dropped this new Fenomeno 10″ from Dois, filled with six delicious pop nuggets. Of the six, there’s not a bad song, though as I’m typing up this brief introduction I’m really digging on “No Veras;” I think those folks into Juan Wauters and the like might also enjoy “Garanga.” Whether you speak Spanish or just love the way pop music makes you feel, I think you can all benefit from spending time with Dois.

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