ATH & SXSW – A Playlist For 2024

We’re getting down to those last few days of build up to SXSW next week, and the ATH is going to try and squeeze in as much pre-coverage as we can before signing off on Monday. For those of you who prefer listening over reading our SXSW interviews, we’ve combed through most all the bands on the festival list and made a huge playlist of bands we suggest. Of course, we may have missed something so feel free to blast us if you’re favorite didn’t make the playlist and maybe, just maybe, we’ll add it in.

Since I know all of you heathens love Spotify, here it is. Also managed to convert to youtube if you prefer getting weird. OR, I’ve got it on Apple, and will send it your way if you hit me up and ask real nice.


ATX Spotlight: The Midgetmen Prep 5th Album

midgetsI have the utmost respect for all four dudes in the Midgetmen. For years the band has bounced around the local Austin music scene, cranking out infection pop punk at their own pace.  They’re not looking to break down barriers, they’re just looking to play rock n’ roll the way they like it; turned up loud and blasting it with your friends over a few bottles of Bud. This track is the lead tune off their 5th album, Hobbytown, and that should say a great deal about the band themselves, able to handle the highs and lows of The Festival Capital of the World. They’ll be celebrating the release of their album at the Blackheart on June 27th.

ATX Spotlight: Twin Bitches Do It Right

11174497_942951285737062_3480207812902951185_oBeen helping a friend put together a show this week over at Mohawk on Thursday night, and in doing so, I encountered a new band, Twin Bitches that’s really exciting.  Based on their two singles, the band has sort of that post-punk Constantines feeling to them, using jagged guitar chops to push forth the lyrics, which come across somewhere between a throaty growl and a gentle croon.  Musically, you can see similarities to other indie acts, but combined, it sounds like something wholly different. They’ll be playing with two of our favorite local acts, SLOW and Jonly Bonly…so come out, grab a drink, jam out and enjoy some of the finer rock n’ roll tunes in town. Doors are at 9, but you can always come hang out early.

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ATX Spotlight: Town Hall Devils to Release EP (+ SHOW)

townhalldevils-EPreleaseshowOne thing that’s great to see is that a majority of the people working behind the scenes in venues here in Austin are also a big part of that scene, all rocking out in their own bands.  This is the case with Tyson Swindell, who helps run the always kind Red 7, but let’s turn our focus to his band Town Hall Devils. The band have just readied their new Ouroboros Blues EP, and it’s definitely something to sink your teeth into.  It reminds me at times of a heavier-handed Lucero, but sounds similar to our other local favorites like A. Sinclair, just playing good old fashioned rock n’ roll.  You’ll be able to catch them live for their album release over at The Blackheart tomorrow night; the whiskey and the tunes will keep you warm, I promise. Stream the EP below.

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Austin Spotlight: New Big Bill EP

Big BillWho in Austin isn’t on the Big Bill train?  You? What are you waiting for? New tunes? Well, congrats friends, the local Austin rockers have completed their new release, titled The Second Bill, and it’s all yours for the jamming today. I’ve loved the group’s live performances for some time, and I feel that you can sense the energy of those shows in the songs you’ll hear streaming below; there’s garage guitar stabs and a rambunctious quality that have won the hearts of Austin show-goers (and beyond) for some time.  Sit back and rock out, then go pick the EP from the group. I recommend “I Wanna Do Evil.”

Austin Spotlight: Rose Selavy

roseyFree Week in Austin is all about discovery, or at least it used to be about discovery…so I’ve got one that I think deserves your attention: Rose Selavy. The group has fulfilled my need for someone new to bring some delightful indiepop to our fair city (She Sir can’t hold down the fort forever!). They’ve only got one single for you to hear, but it’s enough that it should entice you to catch their sets.  You’ll hear jangling guitars knifing their way through this song, using synth stabs and nice vocal touches to wrap you in the perfect warmth.  They’ll be playing Free Week at Holy Mountain on Saturday, so if you’re not afraid of the cold…this is a good solid spot to end up.

Austin Spotlight: Tamarron Get a Little Far Out

tammyRayRay first introduced us to Austin’s Tamarron back in early 2013.  At the time, I dug it, though I will admit that it was standard fare good indie rock, nothing spectacular, though nothing poor.  But, with their recently released Moon Wavves EP, the group seems to really be crafting their own sound, broadening their horizons and furthering sonic dimensions.  They continue to add little doses of texture here and there that completely move their sound in a more psychedelic pop direction; they add all these nice little flourishes that really flesh out their sound.  You can grab the new EP for NYOP, so I suggest you get to it.


Download: Tamarron – Saucy [MP3]


Austin Spotlight: Boy + Kite Prep Premiere New Song

Boy plus Kite BWBoy + Kite have been on our radar for some time, though tragedy unfortunately struck the band, forcing them into a temporarily hiatus.  This new EP, and definitely this new single, should propel them into the consciousness of Austin music fans, and hopefully beyond.  I was drawn to the darkness that came with the subtle vocals at the beginning of the tune, but the hook in the chorus is what ultimately sold me on the track.  It offers a nice dosage of pop that’s brightened by its immediate contrast to the song’s softer moments. They’ll be releasing their Blueprint EP on October 21st, followed by greater things we expect to hear in the future.

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Austin Spotlight: Meet Southern Boutique

southernThe introduction of this outfit comes with a bit of sadness, as Southern Boutique taking a full-time role means the dissolution of one of our favorite acts, Tiger Waves.  The former act crafted these incredible pop soundscapes with warm harmonies, often employing multiple layers and sounds that made their music more dyanmic than most.  But, in the case of Southern Boutique, those pieces still remain, albeit more fine-tuned than ever before.  This is their first official single, and it employs the same spectacular melodies that made them so endearing.  I have no doubt that with a renewed focus, the group will blossom into one of the most unique acts in Austin, winning over everyone. You can expect to hear more from the band when they release their new album later this summer.  Grab their new two song single HERE for the NYP payment method; it’s worth a solid donation.


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