Emma Kupa Announces It Will Come Easier

Make no mistake about it…Emma Kupa is one of my absolute favorite songwriters; I loved Standard Fare; I love Hayman Kupa Band and Mammoth Penguins (that MP LP last year is still great!). So, when she announced her new solo effort, It Will Come Easier, I nearly knocked over my chair to get a listen. It’s interesting to hear this track, as it seems to draw on bits and pieces of her musical career, from the folkier moments with the banjo to that ripping guitar line you can hear in the distance…but of course, its always about that distinctively powerful voice. It’s hard to not see this song’s lyrics through the lens of the last few weeks, however, as the protagonist seems fed up with facing the same dilemma time and time again…so even our art is starting to call us out. A beautiful tune, and one we’ll look forward to picking up when It Will Come Easier drops via Palo Santo Records and Fika Recordings this Fall!

Did Someone Say Peaness?

peanessThere are some really reliable record labels that probably don’t get the adoration or attention they deserve, but with labels like Kingfisher Bluez, I always go back to see what they’re working on. The label recently put up some great tunes on their bandcamp…one of which comes from Peaness. The label is releasing a 7″, and the tunes they’ve got up are catchy as anything you’ll likely hear today…it sort of reminds me of Standard Fare, using sharp guitar cuts and a great female frontiedvocal. You’ll be able to grab your own before the 7″ is released at the end of July.

Mammoth Penguins Won Me Over

mammothMammoth Penguins just released their debut album, Hide and Seek, last week via Fortuna Pop, and it should come as no surprise that I’m in love with the effort.  The star of the show, and the most recent single from the group is Emma Kupa, formerly of my favorites Standard Fare.  I love her songwriting, not to mention the way the guitar sounds on the album; I guess her distinctive voice doesn’t hurt either.  But, I think any one that’s been into the guitar pop vibe the last few years will find that this is one of their favorite albums; for instance, if you like Gold Bears or Eternal Summers, this is the album for you.  You can grab it right now right HERE.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/206541060″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Are You Ready for Mammoth Penguins

mammothA few years ago I was introduced to Standard Fare, and shortly after they broke up.  So I kept an eye on Emma Kupa, and I’m really excited to hear what comes from her new group, Mammoth Penguins. This song’s been floating around in demo fashion, but it’s really impressive now that the noise has been amped up, pushing the pop envelope.  There’s a few moments when the song settles down, allowing Kupa’s enchanting vocals to lament her (or the narrator’s) lack of accomplishments in comparison to her elder.  It looks like Fortuna Pop will be releasing the band’s album, Hide and Seek, later on in this year, so listen to this nice first taste.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/199534812″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Stream the Emma Kupa EP

emmaI’ve made it quite known about my adoration for former Standard Fare songwriter, Emma Kupa.  So, as Wiaiwya preps the release of her Home Cinema EP, I want you take a minute to stream in its entirety.  It’s mostly light indie pop fare, built around Kupa’s lyrics and her guitar, though she brought in friends to fill out the sound of the EP itself.  Definitely a nice step into her own limelight, showing Emma as the charming songstress we’ve come to know her as.  This will definitely make your day a bit brighter.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/65182182″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

The Return of Emma Kupa

emSince my fawning of former-Standard Fare leader Emma Kupa never seems to dissipate, I’ve got to promote the announcement of her new mini-album for Wiaiwya.  It’s not like she’s kept silent since her former act called it a day; she’s in Mammoth Penguins and she did that great single with Darren Hayman that made our year end list, but now she looks to go out on her own, albeit for a bit.  Her approach in the song below shows some slight changes, with a more subdued folk approach and a change to the subject matter (turning from love to family).  I love the strength of her voice too. The little album will be available in the Spring, but for now, just enjoy this dreamy track.

Darren Hayman Joins Up with Emma Kupa

darrenI love a good joint venture between artists, especially when it’s two people who create music that I absolutely adore.  You take the lead man of Hefner, toss him in with the always enchanting Emma Kupa of Standard Fare fame, and you’re sure to have hits, right? Yes, that’s right.  I love how Darren‘s voice is perfectly complimented by Emma’s on this tune; they seem like the perfect fit, to me anyways.  They’ve released this tune as a 7″ on Fortuna Pop, and it is also accompanied by this great video so you can get to know our songwriters and their string game skills.  Hope you dig this track as much as I do.

New Music from Skeletal Shakes

skeletalWhile we’ve posted several outfits featuring Emma Kupa of Standard Fare, we hadn’t talked about Dan and Andy, the other two members of my favorite three-piece.  Luckily, this weekend the two rolled out some new songs they’ve been working on under the name Skeletal Shakes, and I’m pretty impressed with the three tracks.  The one below is the most upbeat of the three, using bits of angular guitar parts to combine with a quickened pace.  Not sure what the two are planning in terms of releasing things, but I promise to keep you posted on the good news as it comes our way.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/127885189″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Introducing: Mammoth Penguins

1078856_221432554673419_561104570_oMy obsession with Emma Kupa and everything she does continues.  After moving on from Standard Fare, she’s kept herself rather busy, adding another new band to her resume: Mammoth Penguins.  This new act has Emma and the group placing down crunchy guitar licks that are pretty catchy when matched with her perfect voice.  I find it hard to believe that people aren’t going to love these new tunes (of which there are 3).  I’m glad she hasn’t put down her axe, as I can’t ever seem to get enough of her voice.  We’ll keep you posted as more news comes about the group and a possible release, but for now you can’t deny the joy of this track.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/103535231″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Saved by Without Feathers

wihtoutfeathersWhen I found out that my much adored Standard Fare was calling it quits earlier this year, I was heartbroken.  I loved Emma Kupa’s voice, and their last effort still gets played at least once a week around the house. She’s got a new group titled Without Feathers, which features some other heavy-hitters from the UK scene.  At this point, we’ve just got three little songs to enjoy, but you should check them out, as they show great promise, which gives me hope that there’s great things on the horizon for this group in the very near future. I’ll keep you posted.


Download: Without Feathers – Scared and Worried [MP3]

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