Last Week’s Jams (3.27 – 3.31)

For some reason I felt like we were nursing a SXSW hangover, just a week later than normal. But, in all that, still found tons of great tunes to write about and share. Good to see personal faves like Lachlan Denton and Greg Mendez popping up (with that Greg tune getting tons of love), plus some videos from the likes of Low Praise and 7ebra gave us a chance to revisit some singles we’d been keeping an eye on. Also, some local love for Troller and Houston’s Alien Eyelid, so trying to keep it Texas ya’ll. Stream on!

Statisk Stoj Shares New Single

Listening through to this single from Statisk Stoj, it’s interesting that he attributes the influence of this song to his love of Low, as the song very much has that sort of early vibe, where it was all about textural building. This tune feels stationary, riding on this sort of trudging beat, but the layers that creep in and out, add the depth you’re seeking, with guitars shooting off here and backing vocals building a melodic foundation. It’s one of those listening experiences that begs you to really immerse yourself, let go of the world around you, coming out with sort of a sonic cleansing. Enjoy.

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