Dew Claw Share Fantastic Voyage Video

The core songwriting duo of Stephen Hunking and Chris Xefos know their way around a good hook, seeing as they’ve been at the helm of various rock endeavors for nearly 3 decades (Hypnowheel, King Missile, etc); the idiom “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is irrelevant, as this band is seasoned enough to know how to grab your ear in a hurry. It’ll only take you 4 seconds before the grooving seduction of this brand new Dew Claw single gets its teeth in you; the boogey of the guitar riffs match up perfectly with the hand-clapping stomp of the drums. They’re employment of the gang-vocal effect doubles down on the catchiness here, bridging a thundering garage vibe with a bit of power-pop swagger. All these little pieces of great songwriting get tied together with a ribbon of joy that shines through the video accompaniment, created by Stephen himself. This is just one of the new tunes that’ll appear on their new AA single, dropping September 13th via Dromedary Records.

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