Summery B-Side from The Eversons

theeversonsI really enjoyed listening to Summer Feeling from The Eversons when it was released recently.  The group are still promoting the record, and so they’ve released a brand new single, which features “Stick Around,” a new B-side; it’s featured on their new “Creepy” single.   I like the jangling delivery of the guitars, but I also like the feeling of the vocals and their nonchalant exuberance.  That’s one of the attributes of the group that made them so much fun to listen to in the first place; they’re light hearted and catchy, making the group something easy to digest and enjoy.  Don’t believe me? Take this song for a spin!


Download: The Eversons – Stick Around [MP3]

Art Pop from Beachniks

I’ve heard rumors of Beachniks for some time, but I really haven’t been able to come up with too much information on the group.  That is until I stumbled across news that the band would soon be releasing their album In Color on Neotomic Records sometime early in the new year.  I can’t tell you how great their lead single is; it reminds me of the clever interplay that was always present on albums by Comet Gain…yet it still maintains a sense of harmony and artfulness, enabling me to act all smug when I listen to it.  Actually, I don’t even care about acting cool…this is just a great jam.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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