Last Week’s Jam (12.4 – 12.8)

I know you’re all anxiously awaiting our year end collection of favorite songs, but we’re just not there yet! We did run our excellent Top Albums of 2023 last week, and while that’s getting all the headlines, there were tons of great new tracks to enjoy. I was particularly enamored with the new BVs tune, as you knew I would be, not to mention some deserved adoration for the brand new Lamplight track. Local friends Psychic Seatbelt dropped a new EP, so they’re getting some love here, and throwing in a Get Wrong tune to celebrate their EP from a week or so ago. Glad folks still put out music throughout the whole year, not just up until List Week.

Still Corners Ready Dream Talk

It amazes me how Still Corners still seem to continue their musical progression, years down the road here; they’ve been at it for nearly 15 years, and while you hear a touchstone or link to the past, they manage to still turn your ear. The rattling tambourine is a nice touchstone between this record and The Last Exit, but Tessa’s vocals seem somehow mysterious; there’s something in the way the band have her vocals kind of teasing the listener, like a playful ghost beckoning you to follow. Honestly, I love the openness of the track; the guitar licks are minimal and sharp, but stay out of the way until they’re necessarily to texturize what’s in store. Then, just as you’ve settled into place, the duo lock into this sultry excursion that closes the tune out. They’ll release Dream Talk via Wrecking Light Records in April.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (September 13 – 17)

Last week I might have gotten a little carried away; my wife and newborn son were spending a lot of time resting, so I was just hanging out writing about songs all week…something a teacher, soccer coach, dad and label owner typically can’t do. So, this week’s playlist of last week’s hits might be a little longer than usual, but you’re going to be all the better for it. I hope you have a wonderful Monday my friends, and enjoy the jams here!

Still Corners Share Heavy Days

After dropping The Last Exit this past January, Still Corners return with a reminder of their dreamier side on the new single “Heavy Days.” Synth lines dance in and out of the verses, propelling the song along with the rhythm section pushing forward. Guitars are mostly absent here, though they appear in expansive form in between the verses, serving as a great link between this tune and their last LP. The song’s lyrics serve as a wonderful reminder for all of us to “turn it off to stay sane,” which is as solid a motto as there can be for those of us hooked on our socials. So, listen to the song, then turn it off!

Still Corners Share Crying Video

With the first single from the forthcoming Still Corners tune, I wasn’t quite sold. I’ve been a huge fan of the band forever, so I’m not sure what it was, but on this new single…this is what I love about the band. There’s this heavy bass like beat and a tamped drum stomp, all allowing Tessa to drape her vocals gently on top of the mix. You’ll hear a faint whistle, and slowly the textures start to build, almost like a groundswell of little pop nuance. It’s this perfect little care of the negative space, knowing when to fill it, when to let it be; it’s a gift few bands have truly mastered, so I’m glad to see it still hanging about in the duo’s repertoire. Their new album the Last Exit will be out in January via Wrecking Light Records.

Still More from Still Corners

I can’t get enough of the latest record from Still Corners, dropping this Friday via Wrecking Light. This song was one of the standouts for me for the last few weeks, before it dropped yesterday as a new single. While it still hangs its hat on the smoky dream pop qualities the duo has offered us, there’s seemingly an influence of the band’s Texas relocation lurking through. You can hear it in the opening guitar lament, as well as in the song’s way way back as those same lines permeate the front of the mix. Another mesmerizing number with subtle Texas tones? Yea…I’m in; be sure to grab Slow Air this Friday in stores!

More New Still Corners

I know a lot of people are super in-love with that new Beach House LP, and that’s all well and good, but you’re going to want to hear the work Still Corners are putting out. Today they shared this lush new track from their forthcoming LP, Slow Air. As dreamy as the song seems, there’s still elements of quietloudquiet…opening the song with this dense dream world before a simple guitar chord rings to add more power, all before the waves flow back to the shores of softness. But, that doesn’t even include the thirty seconds or so around the 3 minute mark with those stabbing lines of brightness! The new LP drops on August 17th via Wrecking Light.

Still Corners Announce New LP

Still Corners recorded their brand new album here in the heart of Texas, so we’ve got to write about it, no? Doesn’t matter anyways, as the song’s definitely something that will grab you. The first minute of the track is spent with little guitar chords being plucked while synths build the sound in the background. Then the percussive element unfolds, sharp and to the point…waiting for Tessa to enter the picture. Her voice has this smoky resonance that blankets the subtle electronic groove of the track. The group drop Slow Air on August 17th via Wrecking Light, followed by a solid chunk of North American tour dates starting in September.

Top Songs of 2013

best songs ath 2013We’ve put our pretty little heads together ladies and gentlemen to bring you our favorite songs from this past year.  It was a difficult task with our ever growing staff, but we feel like this list best represents the diverse taste of our staff.  Love it or hate it, it’s ours to call our own.  Hit play and put your head down or dance or shimmmy or drool or whatever works. Most of all we hope you hear something you missed, something you want to buy or something you want to see live.

Scroll past the playlist for full the run of the bestest songs ever this year.

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