Last Week’s Jams (12.2 – 12.6)

In a world where folks are rushing to put out their year end lists, so you can debate their tastes, I’m just over here putting out songs with my bud RayRay. We covered a surprising 21 new songs last week, and 22 if you included a tune that’s not on any of the DSPs. Tons of rad Austin stuff like Strange Lot, Gus Baldwin, Lunar Gold…and of course the ATH Records’ own Fantastic Purple Spots. New music from FACS and Sprouts made my week complete, though I also found some soft spots in there you can dig through on the site. Don’t forget to also check out our Rock n’ Recipes with Sasha Bell of the Ladybug Transistor, just in time for their little tour and reissue! We also got to premiere a brand new Gaytheist tune worth your time!

Last Week’s Jams (10.28 – 11.1)

Just when we thought the year was dragging to a close, we managed to find enough hits to fall in love with and make you a proper playlist! We even have a few of the tracks we covered from Maneater and Boyracer missing, so be sure to check those out. I loved the opening song from Prism Shores; it’s definitely a bright spot on last week, along with the reemergence of Mogwai on the scene. We managed to get in some Austin love for Whalers and Gus Baldwin and the Sketch, not to mentioned representing for the local festival with Levitation interviews from Hello Mary and the Strange Lot. Plus, our pal Michael Maly was able to swing some coverage for Air‘s 25th Anniversary performance of Moon Safari, giving me a chance to slide “Sexy Boy” into yet another playlist. Check it all out below.

Levitation Interviews: Strange Lot

Levitation Festival kicks off on Thursday here in Austin with a great lineup of bands coming into town for shows going down all over downtown. It should be another good time to catch up with some old palls while hopping between venues near and around Red River. As things are now just a few days away, we’ll try to sneak in a couple more of these interviews before you head out the door. Today we are pleased to share with you another set of getting to know you questions from our local pals Strange Lot. Hit the jump for more.

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