Illls – Hideout from the Feeders

ILLLS-Hideout-From-The-Feeders--e1379501851839Rating: ★★★½☆

Occasionally you gravitate towards an album without much awareness, but something grabs you.  It squeezes you tight, holding you closely for the duration of your listening experience, and beyond (if it’s good).  This is precisely the case with my whole excursion into the world of Illls and their recent release, Hideout from the Feeders.

If I tried to explain this entire LP to you, I’d probably fail miserably, but there’s something incredibly important about the overall feel of the record.  It’s claustrophobic, in an endearing sense; the whole album has this filter on the vocals, as if you’re listening through glass or it’s being blasted from the speakers at the bottom of your swimming pool.  The first track that really hit this point home was “Colleen,” which is the third tune.  It’s present earlier, but the sound of the vocals stood out the most here due to the stark contrast to the pop sensation present in delivery of the vocals.  They hold onto to this smooth quality, working against the grainy darkness of the mood; it’s a striking effect, and one that succeeds time and time again on Hideout from the Feeders. 

Illls follow up that third track with what might just be one of my favorite tunes of the year, “Coma.”  The angular guitars are played through a kaleidoscope of dark post punk heritage, stepping in line with the deep tonal quality of the vocals.  Then you’ll hear a higher vocal break into the dense surroundings of the tune, accented by a wash of keyboards.  I keep coming back to this song again and again, so you’ll do well not to miss out on a few repeated listens throughout your day.  I love how there’s this overwhelming accessibility lurking beneath the surface; you’ll hear it again if you skip ahead to “In Gray.” This song takes on a more sprawling manner, similar to what you’d get if you spun a band like Blank Dogs through a whirlpool of blissful 80s underground pop. Capturing both dark and light, in both texture and mood, isn’t an easy feat, so those in search of such a dynamic will find solace in these types of tunes.

One thing that does tend to hurt Hideout from the Feeders, is that it’s not really able to step away from the structure of the style. While it’s successful on so many levels, the confines of the songs, and album, make it difficult to really stretch into a more dynamic sound…at least on this effort.  But, if I were you I’d put that aside immediately, as the record is pretty rewarding.  It’s clearly got doses of all things current, but I really appreciate how it’s able to stand out from the rest of what’s going on with such a refreshing approach.  You’ll do well not to skip out on Illls.


Rad Rocker from Honduras

HondurasPress.145927There’s something going on in the rock movement of late (the last year or so) that shows this relaxed quality of vocal delivery pushed forward by bits of post punk and touches of the American troubadour.  Bands like Parquet Courts are really growing in popularity, and I expect the same thing to happen for Honduras.  The band released this track off their Morality Cuts EP a while back, but now they’re seeing a re-release on Last Place Tapes, which is how it was brought to our attention.  Again, the vibe’s great here, bordering somewhere between punk rock and the likes of the Replacements.  I’m pretty sure you’ll dig.

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Austin Spotlight: She Sir Release New Track

shesirWe’ve championed She Sir for years, and this year has seen the band release several great tracks in anticipation of their forthcoming LP.  The album is titled Go Guitars, and we’ve got their third single to offer you today. It begins a touch slow, then the drums provide a proficient bounce to push the song into a more beautiful state.  It’s clear by this number that good things are in store as we approach 2014, when the album will see a release from the respected Shelflife Records.  Just enjoy the fact that you’re around to listen to such a great tune today; be thankful.

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Striking Number from A Lily

A_Lily.1Perhaps one of the greatest things about my job, or hobby, or whatever, is that I get to open my email to incredible songs that I might not have heard otherwise.  This track from A Lily has been around for a bit now, and it’s just overwhelmingly beautiful.  It reminds me of the sort of work I’d expect from Efterklang, with this lush accompaniment creating a dense background that never seems too busy.  You add in these softly floating vocals, and you’ve got a hands-down winner that begs your time.  The band will release the Lupa EP this week; it will definitely be worth your time, whetting your appetite before the group release Roma, the next full-length.

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New Bubblegum Lemonade Tune

popChristmas has come early! And so has the new Bubblegum Lemonade record!  The band has been hard at work on their next LP, and while we expected it at some point this year or earlier next, news came today that their new LP was already in from the plants, so why not share the great tune with you all? Laz has been working effortlessly, and each new release sees his music grow; it’s great to see a musician progress so wonderfully.  If you’re not digging the guitar work here, then you’re probably not an indiepop fan.  And that’s okay, but you should really spend just a short bit of time with this tune.  Like all tunes from the act, you’ll find it hard to ignore the splendor of a songwriter at the top of his craft. Some Like it Pop will be available next week from Matinee Recordings.

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Soft Tune from Lanterns on the Lake

lanternsI’m a huge sucker for a beautiful female voice, especially when it’s strung atop well-crafted musical accompaniment.  I love the way there’s these light strings accenting the push of the drums.  There’s this beautiful tension that just builds and builds, erupting near the very end of the track.  If you’re looking for something with a nice bit of construction and majesty, then you won’t have to look much further than this number.  Lanterns on the Lake will release Until the Colours Run on January 14th, followed by a short US tour, so keep your eyes peeled for this promising act.

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CYMBALS Bring Their A Game

cymbalsIt’s difficult in this day and age to have your hair blown back by anything, especially upon first listen, but I have to give credit to CYMBALS.  Their music on the latest single was immediately accessible, yet wholly interesting.  A deep vibe comes from the darkened corners of their music, yet a softer touch on the vocals provides listeners with the mentality of club two-stepping. I imagine this song could be played pretty much anywhere, enticing anyone to tap their feet.  The group will release Age of Fracture in February of next year via Tough Love Records.

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Another Jam from The Entrance Band

entrance_band_2_webJust a short few weeks ago I shared with you one of the singles from The Entrance Band, and they’re already back again with the newest, “Spider,” from their upcoming record.  While I hear bits of a genre to be unnamed, I’m finding this tune much more expansive, delving into the more exploratory regions of modern indie fare.  The vocals are steadier, and the accompanying music has a broader focus, which definitely makes this one of the  more powerful tracks we’ve heard from the group. You can find this tune on Face the Sun; it hits stores on November 19th via Beyond is Beyond is Beyond.

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Matinee Recordings Celebrates 15 Years

matineeIf you read the pages of this site from time to time, you’ve surely come across my adoration for Matinee Recordings and all the work the small label has been able to release.  From the Lucksmiths to Bubblegum Lemonade…and so many more, they’ve continued to provide indiepop fans with a growing catalog of hit after hit after hit.  The label celebrates their 15th Year this month by releasing A Sunday Matinee CD, which includes rare songs, unreleased tracks and covers (including Lucksmiths covering Jonathan Richman).  It’s a great accomplishment to run a label successfully for so long, so join me in celebrating the label (and ordering the CD).  You can stream the entire thing below.

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White Birds + Night Panthers = Forever Evers

artworks-000059713214-yhesrz-t500x500We’ve actually written about both of these bands a ton, and honestly, I didn’t see such a collaboration coming our way.  That being said, I’m actually really pleased with the end result from Forever Evers; it’s a dreamy electro pop number that you’ll want to play for the rest of the day. There’s this stuttering electronic loop that remains central to the track, with the heavier beat really driving home the sensation. And the vocals are just what I’d expect from something that James Harvey is part of, which means it’s great.  We’ll keep you posted on a possible release.

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