Another Gem from Paperfangs

paperfangsOne of my best kept secrets (unfortunately) is my undying love of this new album from Paperfangs, Past Perfect.  This Finnish three-piece are crafting these really subdued electro-pop tunes.  In my mind, I immediately feel as if they’re akin to PB&J, but I think their musicianship here is much more interesting.  They’re not using gimmicks, just blissed-out harmonies with warmth lurking in the background.  Their latest single is certainly one of the stand-outs on the record, demonstrating the sincere pop approach the band will utilize in winning your hearts.  Take a nice long listen, and fall in love with the group: they’re album comes out via Soliti Music on February 22nd.



New Music from Burnt Ones

BurntOnes2013_1You looking for a bit of glam pop to brighten your day? Well, that’s precisely what you’ll get when listen to this new tune from San Fran’s Burnt Ones.  The band just announced they’ll be releasing their second LP on Burger Records on April 30th; it’s titled You’ll Never Walk Alone (I hope these guys don’t like Liverpool!). There’s a fuzzy guitar that rings in the opening of this tune, just before the clapping and stomping begins.  It’s immediately catchy, but it’s not sugary, using a little grit to make the song sound just a bit dirtier.  Nice little ditty for a Monday.

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Hot Dance Mess from Shout Out Louds

Shout-Out-Louds-IllusionsI’ve been waiting for Shout Out Louds to replicate the deliciousness that was 100 Percent from their first LP, and I think this new track, Illusions, might just be that perfect step.  It combines the element of indie dance music with the group’s current musical warmth, due mostly to the soft spoken female backing vocals.  You can listen to this song and not feel a bit of personal exuberance; you better be tapping your toes or spinning about at your cubicle/bedroom.  This tune has me thoroughly excited for the band’s new album, Optica, which comes out on February 27th via Merge.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Experimental Pop from Kiki Pau

kikipau_webresYou know about my adoration for all things Finnish right? Well, Kiki Pau win right off the bat, but also because they’re associated with both Dungen and Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records. If you’ve got five minutes, and I know that you do, you need to sit down, preferably somewhere quiet.  There’s multiple movements within this song, and there’s no way you can really put some generic label upon the track–that’s probably a good thing.  I like the light-hearted vibe entering in around the 3 minute mark.  This tune and others appears on the group’s Pines LP, which was just released today!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Mikal Cronin Goes Soft

homepage_large.974d39feOkay, so Mikal Cronin doesn’t go entirely soft, but in comparison to his work with Ty Segall, the only thing you’ll really find comparable here is the wall of guitar distortion that bursts into the background during the chorus.  For the most part, the various verses carry a more general pop element, which should surprise people in the long run; you’re still going to find it appealing. The song has a central hook, and the combination of the soft and loud element will make your day.  You can get his new album, MCII, from Merge Records on May 7th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Dreamy Track from Psychic Twin

1750This new jam from Psychic Twin, a recent signee to Polyvinyl Records, is something that seems straight out of the bedroom pop of the 80s.  It opens with this trickling it of synth work, but then the entrance of the vocals switch it up, giving it a more enchanting feeling. Personally, the fact that it doesn’t really stay in one place for too long is quite intriguing, listening to the song move back and forth between tropical and bedroom pop.  If you’re into what the group is doing, and you should be, then find yourself picking up their Strangers 7″ on March 5th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Strummed Balladry from Gambles

653I’m a sucker for a man and his guitar, and that’s exactly what Matthew Siskin and his project Gambles has given me.  Not only that, but I’m really enjoying his knack for word wizardry.  Very few people can come across as affecting and honest as Siskin does in this new single, and my only complaint is there isn’t more to absorb.  Even scrolling through his web site, I can’t help but be drawn to the aesthetic he’s putting forward.  A bit of craft and poetry, and possibly a bit of hidden mystery.  Sounds like it’s right up my alley, so I can’t wait to see him in February here in Austin.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Dick Diver Winning Us Over

DICK-DIVER1-575x385Long have we supported the good folks over at Chapter Music in Australia, who brought us the great music of Twerps and The Crayon Fields.  One of their lesser-known acts has really been making huge leaps and bounds, as far as popularity goes: Dick Diver.  The group is about to release their new record Calendar Days from the label in March, and we’ve got one of those new tracks for you.  I dig the brightness of the twanging guitar, accompanied by spoken word interplay between the male and female vocalists.  It’s a casual track, reminiscent of the relaxed pop gems from other great bands in the label’s stable.  Always happy to hear anything from the CM; it’s never going to let us down.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Jam from The Black Angels

blackangelsproofs-63481-Edit-239This new jam from Austin’s The Black Angels has been floating around just a little bit, but we’re just now getting a chance to post the tune for you.  Interestingly, there’s a slight change in the sound, almost having a more direct approach to the dark-tinged rock element, as opposed to their hazier past.  Clearly the band has something going, and I can only wish that rock n’ roll like this could break through to the masses.  On April 2nd the group will release their new record, Indigo Meadow, which is sure to be a new fan favorite.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Slumbook

495304221-1One of the little labels that I have a great deal of respect for is Dufflecoat Records, a small-time label out of the UK.  Now, they might not release tons of stuff, but they release really great dreamy pop tunes that always find their way into my daily rotation.  Their newest signing looks to be Slumbook,  a group originally formed in the Philippines.  As of right now, there’s not tons of information out there on the group, but you can’t ignore a great song can you? No info on the release date as of yet, just sit back and enjoy.  I’ll keep you posted on the rest as it comes.

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