Foot-Stomping Pop from Brothers In Law

Those of us who’ve found our lives intertwined with bedroom pop should be rejoicing over the world’s musical fascination with the genre’s reemergence over the last several years.  Even in Italy, Brothers In Law have been crafting their own propulsive blend of atmospheric guitar pop for some time, and they’ve finally got a full-length coming to light titled Hard Times for Dreamers, which is seeing a limited joint release between WWNBB and CF Records (who put out that excellent Sea Pinks record in 2012).  I can’t help but fall in love with this track…sure, there’s a dreamy quality, but I put it on and my arms can’t help but flail about as they spin me around the room in my office. Feel free to fan over this one.

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More New Tunes from Girls Names

I’d be remiss if I didn’t write about the most recent Girls Names track to come out of the Internet.  I’d also be in the same boat if I didn’t admit that I have no idea where the group is going musically, in an extremely exhilarating sense.  When I first heard this tune, I noted the semi-Orange Juice guitar chops, but was thrown off by the haunting of the vocals.  Then came this progression with keyboard intrusions and a brighter tone to the vocals–it honestly reminded me of The Fresh and Onlys traveling back to the early 80s, which basically equates to a hit in my ear.  Luckily, The New Life will be in stores from Slumberland Records on February 18th, so I’ll finally get to put all the incredible pieces together.

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Another Gentle Song from Leapling

We’ve been hot on the heels of Leapling since they were first picked up by the good folks over at Father Daughter Records, and this new single continues their great first impression.  There’s a quieted build-up with an underlying pulse, just before the whispering vocals come in to play.  There’s some electronic tinkering that goes along intermittently, providing a feeling not far off from Pinback or a Fugiya & Miyagi, but the special moment arrives near the end when the song bursts into this blissed out harmony.  You can grab this track and a few others from the band’s Losing Face EP, which is available now!

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Darkly Tinted Tune from Wax Idols

It says a lot, to me at least, that among the forty emails I waded through yesterday, this Wax Idols tune was one of the standouts. I’ve adored the group for some time, and I’ve really been looking forward to this their new record, Discipline & Desire.  For me, this jam completely encapsulates both sides of the band, you know–where they’ve been and where they’re going. There’s a subdued haunting introductory pop that comes back and forth with Hether calmly singing atop, but then it blasts off.  It goes into a dark post punk bit of a stomp, living a bit in the group’s sonic past.  When it shoots off into the bright guitar excursion towards the end, it’s clear that they’ve got a hit. You can get the record on March 26th from Slumberland Records.

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Great New Track from The Resonars

I’ve loved all the work that The Resonars have put together thus far, so with news that Burger Records will be releasing the band’s new LP, Crummy Desert Sound, I’m only going to salivate just a bit more.  After taking a few moments to open, the band jumps in head first, using a solid bass line and steady drumming to propel the track forward.  Of course, there’s definitely a bit of California-pop (you know, twangin and janglin with an Asian influence), but I think this is perhaps the most accessible the band’s come across; it’s going to win them a whole bunch of deserved new fans.

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Introducing The New Mendicants

Say what? You’re throwing two of my favorite songwriters, Joe Pernice and Norman Blake, together? Yeah, I’m totally in.  The two have teamed up to form The New Mendicants, doing some covers of each other’s work, plus a tune from INXS.  At this point, that’s about all there is to offer, though I hope that there’s more to come in the very near future.  The three recorded songs have been filed under the Australia 2013 EP, which you can pick up over HERE.  One can only hope that this INXS cover below is a good sign of wonderful things to come when these two are afforded time to craft a full album together.


Chilled Vibes from Night Moves

It’s funny to me that some bands get over-looked from time to time, even when they’re putting out incredible work.  For me, Night Moves, who released Colored Emotions recently, sort of got left off the charts, though they offer a lot of that smooth R&B influence that many popular acts such as Twin Shadow spin out.  I’m not saying they sound like that, but there’s some similarities.  Personally, the songwriting by the group, leaving listeners with swelling tracks, is really enticing, so I’m encouraging everyone to go back and check the group out.  You can start with their brand new single, which shares the same name as the album’s title.

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Welcome Back Tullycraft

If you follow these pages you know I have a personal penchant for bubbling pop songs with powerful hooks, so I’m glad that Tullycraft is coming back after calling it quits several years ago.   There’s a quickened pace to this track, and there’s not a moment that doesn’t beg to be stuck in your head.  Whether it’s the fast vocal delivery, or the gang joining in to provide backing vocals, the tune is full of exuberant energy.  You’ll notice from the stream that the tune is coming to you via Fortuna Pop, who should be putting out the effort from the band real soon!

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Beautiful Indie Pop from Golden Grrrls

Man, these Glaswegians are really something special.  I’ve written about Golden Grrrls and their powerful hooks once before, but this newest single is just ridiculously tasty.  They’ve got a self-titled album coming out on February 26th on the always reliable Slumberland Records, and if it’s filled with more songs like this, you won’t be able to put it down.  Personally, the interplay between male and female vocalists is quite enchanting, but the musicality of it all has me really excited.  It’s not your typical all out twanging guitars and distortion, but a steady-paced blend of on-point drumming and a slightly folk-influenced guitar work.  Absolutely one of my favorite tracks of the year already.

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New Music from Ablebody (ex POBAH/Depreciation Guild)

I love coming home to really great tracks, such as today when I came home to an email from Christoph Hochheim, who has worked with POBAH and the Depreciation Guild in the past.  He’s out on his known using the Ablebody moniker, creating floating indie pop tunes that seem perfect for a relaxed evening at home.  There’s floating bits of electronics coming in and out, coordinating a sublime melody with the vocals.  Christoph is going to be releasing his All My Everybody EP on January 29th, and fans of this song are going to be more than pleased with what’s coming your way.

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