New Music from Lady Lamb the Beekeeper

It’s that time of year when we start to get a sneak peak at how our 2013 is going to shape up, and it’s looking like a good year already.  Aly Spaltro and her project Lady Lamb the Beekeeper are definitely on my list, especially now that Ba Da Bing have announced the release of her album, Ripley Pine, which comes out on February 19th.  In a short time she’s garnered a lot of praise for her intimate performances, and her background story of a video store clerk turned songstress is sure to play into the narrative of her record.  Enjoy the sample of good things to come.

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New Jam from Plateaus

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a new jam; it’s from the Plateaus self-titled album that I raved about just a bit ago.  But, they put this song out on the net yesterday, and it’s one of my favorite tunes from the record, so I had to have it up here on the net for you.  While some of their songs are faster and grittier, this one’s got a bit of pop polish, which is where I first found my love for the band.  There’s tons of punk rock and pop rock jams filled on their Art Fag Recordings debut LP, so if you pick it up now you’ll have plenty to sink your teeth into.


New B-Side from Holopaw

I’m not sure where my infatuation began with Holopaw, but I’ll claim myself as a devoted fan of the group, perhaps with their early work from Sub Pop and Isaac Brock…and their impossible to find third album.  They’ve just joined up with Misra, who released a 7″ from the band, and will also be releasing Academy Songs Vol. 1 on January 15th (just before my birthday!). This is the B-Side from the 7″, representative of the band’s ability to move in and out of various musical spaces within the span of a single song.  It’s always been something I’ve adored, not to mention the sound of Orth’s voice on everything they’ve done. Enjoy this one.

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New Jangle Pop from Gloss

It’s Friday, so I’m looking for upbeat tunes to whisk you away into the sunset, and I think this new tune from Gloss that I heard via IPSML is going to just the trick.  It’s just a one track single at this point, but it combines elements of our favorite jangling guitars with warm fuzz you’ll find from the likes of most gaze bands. The track is playful, yet there’s a lush quality that allows for the perfect amount of escapism.  Such are the tracks we all adore on a Friday, heading into relaxation mode for the weekend.

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New Aussie Pop from Dick Diver

Well well well, it’s more great news from the great folks over at Chapter Music.  They’ve just announced they’ll be releasing the next great Dick Diver record sometime next year, with a teaser EP coming out next week featuring this track below.  I can’t say enough about Dick Diver; their songs always sneak their way into my head at the best times, creating a stupid grin that can’t be wiped off my face.  If you’re new to the band, which is okay, please check out their release, New Start Again, just as a sample of the great things about to come your way.

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Slacker Pop from Bitch Prefect

Our friend Toby over at Finest Kiss just ran a great re-cap on an article that ran over in Australia highlighting all the excellent bands working in Melbourne area.  There’s tons of great artists on the list, but one that I’ve taken a liking to is Bitch Prefect.  My ears can see The Clean reference from the write-up, but I also think it speaks to the approach many of the acts overseas have taken, seeming to maintain a certain nonchalance about their writing and recording.  That’s probably not the case, as the songs on the group’s Big Time LP from Bedroom Suck Records are too good to be taken lightly.

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New Song from Crayon Fields

Man, what a great day with two great announcements. The first announcement is that are friends over at Chapter Music in Australia are celebrating their 20th anniversary.  It’s a great feat for any label, let alone a small label offering across the sea; they’ve been making huge waves in the States with acts like Twerps and Dick Diver.  The second announcement comes with the release of 20 Big Ones, a compilation celebrating the anniversary.  I’m stoked because it features this new song from Crayon Fields, the first band on the label that I fell in love with back in the day.  I’m excited by a new track, and I hope to hear more from them soon, as a new record should be on our way shortly. Cheers to Guy and his mates on 20 Years of being rad.

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New Slow Jam from Crystal Castles

It’s almost the end of the week, and it seems like things have been slowed down quite a bit in the music world.  But, there’s still been a few great hits floating about, especially this new jam from Crystal Castles.  This new single is definitely more of a slow burn, but I think it encapsulates the growth of the band of the last few years, no longer merely intent upon banging out in-your-face electronic jams.  You can find this tune on III, the group’s upcoming album, which is due out on November 13th in the US.  After their set at ACL, there’s not much this band can do wrong at the moment.

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New Hit from September Girls

I love writing about the bands on Matinee Recordings; it makes it so easy as they almost never miss.  The newest installation to their storied stable is Dublin’s September Girls, a five piece group specializing in bringing a blend of atmospheric post rock and girl group harmonies.  It’s pretty much a perfect blend of all your favorite things, uniting noisier pop with your tendency to wax nostalgic about a more pure rock n’ roll sound.  You better get your hands on it now, as the history of the band shows that there music is being gobbled up quickly all over the globe, so chances are this 7″ EP won’t be around for too long.

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New Soulful Jam from Shannon and the Clams

One of the great things about hitting up the record store on new release day is stumbling upon tunes you weren’t expecting, like this new tune from Shannon and the Clams.  The band’s been sort of quiet, but that’s probably because Shannon’s been touring with Hunx.  However, the group is back with a few new 7″ records, and this one comes out from Volar Records (I picked it up last night). Shannon has a voice that sounds like the heir apparent to Janis Joplin, and I mean that in a flattering sense, as very few people can combine the raspy and the soulful and pull it off; this young lady can definitely do it.

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