More Music from Stutter Steps

stutterstepsIf I haven’t told you guys how much I cherish the new album from Stutter Steps then perhaps I’ve made a huge mistake. The self-titled record is one of the few records that came across my desk this year that just didn’t fit in with the normal fare…in a good way. On this new track, you get a nice male versus female duel on the vocals, almost so perfect in its execution that the tune could survive without music. But, there’s this jangling indie rock approach by the band, bringing the song forward and pushing the energy fully behind the vocals. You can grab this album next week from Wild Kindness Records…and you’ll be wise to do so. 

ATH Premiere: Stutter Steps Are Your New Favorites

stutterstepsOkay, so maybe Stutter Steps aren’t your new favorites, not yet anyways. But, those of you who’ve carefully wrapped yourself in a world of indiepop and Australian/NewZealand guitar craftsmanship will surely find yourselves a new band to adore. This first single is as fine example of the art of songwriting as I’ve come to hear, which should come as no surprise; Ben Harrison, the man behind the band, can call himself a contributor/collaborator to the works of Dean and Britta (if you need to look that up then it won’t mean much). Still, I can hear the band’s references to Flying Nun, though I prefer to imagine Harrison crafting his own American version of the Go-Betweens. There’s incredible melodies and such a gentle warmth; you’re bound to find this the most endearing tune today. Their self-titled album will be out soon via Wild Kindness Records.

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