Team Play Announce Debut LP, Wishes and Desires

Our friends over at Soliti are responsible for keeping us abreast with what’s cool over in the Finnish music scene, and I’m so very grateful. Today, they share news of Team Play‘s debut, with this darkly brooding single. It’s the brand of pop music that takes the tendencies from the mainstream and darkens the corners, adds a bit of haunting mystery to it, turning it into a vessel for something moving. Minja and Tapio’s vocals combine throughout the tune, and it’s that performance that’s really impactful, though I’ll admit the the rhythmic gallop has its magical draw too. Spend some time here today, and look for the label to release Wishes and Desires this June.

Beautifully Drenched Pop from Meridians

It took me a minute, or a few seconds rather, to get what Meridians were going for, with the song slowly inching away in ambient noise before Julie’s voice enters into the picture.  Seconds later and surely you’re sinking into the details of the song.  Her voice begins quietly, and the guitar seeps into the track.  It’s not long before her partner Trevor joins her, ever so slightly, leaving a slight contrasting echo in the far off distance. This track is featured on the group’s self-titled album, which just got a tape release from the beautiful people over at Cakes and Tapes.  You can click HERE for a video of the track.


Download:Meridians – Sunrise [MP3]

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