Adam Ostrar Shares New Track

While Adam Ostrar‘s been playing music for some time, his newest LP will be only his second solo effort. I like the openness that begins this track; it feels like something Kevin Morby might do, drawing on folk touches, though leaving lots of room for the listener. That being said, Ostrar is eager to fill that space, which builds and towers over the listener as the song moves forward; he adds in these soft backing vocals, bending guitars that ring and more pronounced drum work, all before the piano notes slide in for effect. It feels like multiple thematically similar songs all wrapped into one crisp five minute extravagance. The Worried Coat is the title of the forthcoming release, and it sounds to be brimming with extravagant folk; look for the record on April 5th via Super Secret Records.

A New Single from Quin Galavis

I think if you go back and listen to some of the Dead Space tracks from long ago, you’d hear that Quin Galavis always had a penchant for pop hooks; that’s pretty evident even on his newest work. There’s this fuzzy churn of guitars from the get-go serving as the driving force behind this number. He really pushed himself on the vocals, in a different manner than we’ve seen previously; it almost has this howling prog vibe in the way it stretches to reach those high notes. I just always appreciate how you can’t really define his music; he’s always got something different cooking. This track appears on Victim/Non-Victim Pt. 1, out February 15th via Super Secret Records.

The Moles Share After May

Richard Davies is one those songwriters who is adored by other songwriters; he’s made claim that Cobain and Pollard have both fallen in love with his music at some point or another…and now he’s releasing a double album with his band The Moles. The group of musical rabblerousers has members in various cities across the globe, which will allow them to perform songs from Code Word in various locales. Luckily for you, we’ve got a preview of one of the album tracks. “After May” is a bit of a ballad, with Davies working calmly over a strummed guitar with some space-aged electronic noodling cutting in and out; it gives the tracks just the faintest whiff of peculiarity. It’s just a small taste of what Richard can accomplish, and with a slew of contributors, each listen is likely to be as varied as the new LP; it drops this Friday via Super Secret Records (with an ATX Beerland show on Thursday).

Will Courtney Shares Take You Away

Tomorrow you’ll be able to get your hands on Crazy Love, the latest batch of song’s from Austin’s Will Courtney. On his final single before the release, he had me with the opening piano prelude…it doesn’t take too much. Then the track settles in with Will’s voice carrying a light bit of scratchiness, like a cooler Tom Petty…that is until he reaches the chorus. He stretches himself, reaching for higher vocal notes, which in my mind recalls the best of the Americana genre, especially when its accompanied by the layered musicianship behind it. You can tell with every note he hits, and every layered bit of instrumentation that Courtney’s fine-tuned all those bits of promise he’s shared with us over the years. Crazy Love will drop Friday via Super Secret Records.

Premiere: Sean Morales Shares Weve Been Apart

Sean Morales has been working in the Austin music scene for some time, most notably as a member of James Arthur’s Manhunt. We now find Sean stepping out to craft his own debut, which is a stark contrast to JAM. Guitar notes are picked carefully at the start, so close to the mic that you can hear the strings if you put your ear to the speaker. Morales’ voice comes across like a whisper, barely willing to step over the guitar sound; he’s joined by an accompaniment at one point during the chorus. Then the song fades out with added textural layers and improvisation, rounding out the perfect vision that Sean’s created with this tune. You can expect the rest of his debut Call It In to follow suit; it’s being released by Super Secret Records this Friday.

Adam Ostrar Offers Soft Ballad

I’m hoping it rains today, as this track from Adam Ostrar is perfect for watching the rain stream down your windows. It has that magical touch that Nick Drake had, airy vocals draping themselves atop careful little trickling guitar lines while percussion keys and percussive elements add depth to the background. Some balladry is so intimate you won’t want to share it with anyone else, and Ostrar is giving us precisely that. Look for his new record Brawls in the Briar on October 13th via Super Secret Records.

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PLAX Give You Your Rock N Roll Fix

We’re a few weeks away from the release of PLAX‘s Clean Feeling, so why not celebrate that with a brand new single from the group. While the discordant energy seems to have a strong pace, it’s interestingly offset by the vocals stalking the listener, seemingly from a distance. That juxtaposition offers the perfect tension, almost as if you’re dangerously spinning out of control with the group. Clean Feeling is set to be released on August 11th via Super Secret Records.

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Plax Annouce Debut Album

If you’re looking for a new Austin supergroup to adore, then Plax is the latest to cull members from various bands to form a new entity; they’re spawned from members of Skeleton, OBN IIIs, Spray Paint and Sweet Talk (all bands we enjoy!). Their sound is a fast paced bit of post-punk, fueled by the semi-growl of Victor Ziolkowski. This song is spastic and jittery in all the right places, while the quick drum work gives a sense of pace to the tune. The band will release Clean Feeling on Super Secret Records on August 11th.

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Brand New Quin Galavis Single

Tomorrow you’ll be able to get your hands on Quin Galavis‘ new album, The Battery Line. We’re here today with the last single you’re likely to hear before the release, and I think it perfectly illustrates why Quin’s one of Austin’s most valued songwriters. You’ll hear guitar work that leans towards the heavier side of things, pushing distorted riffs with a hint of danger. That being said, the song’s accents such as keyboard work and string accompaniment balance the song, never fully giving in to either rock or pop. Plus, there’s a calm in his voice that soars when it reaches the chorus. Look for The Battery Line at your local shops tomorrow, courtesy of Super Secret Records.

Austin Record Label Flea Market Recap

We love you Austin.

Everyone is already looking forward to doing it again. More on that later. I took photos, we did our shimmy thing, records were sold, merch was sold, group shots, industry discussions, ball-busting, cider sampled, dogs joined in, kids were indoctrinated into collecting vinyl.

Modern Outsider, Super Secret Records, Western Vinyl, Holodeck Records, Launch Cycle, Chicken Ranch Records, Keeled Scales, Saint Marie Records, Nine Mile Records and, as Nate said, our own little ATH Records all had the booths up and running. We had the musical stylings of The Sour Bridges and A. Sinclair.

Please enjoy my little photo essay on the Austin Record Label Flea Market. Click through to see what you missed or reminisce…

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