Feeling Figures Announces New Album

If you were living under a rock, or not reading ATH, you might have unfortunately missed Feeling Figures marvelous Migration Magic LP (we tried to warn you!). But, you can do yourself an immediate favor and enjoy the Montreal outfits newest single from their sophomore LP, Everything Around You. Their ability to allow their influences to cohabitate within the confines of one track is what puts them on the pedestal, waiting to be knocked off by challengers; this tune has this bewitching pop brood to it, smashed against a wall of distortion and devil-may-care rock n’ roll moments. I loved when the 46 second mark hits and there’s this distortion wall, punctuated by joint vocal harmonies that illustrate the band’s ability to control every nuance in their craft. Everything Around You is a must have; it drops on September 27th via K Records/Perennial Death.

Dream Pop from Shikoswe

I always like to move into Mondays with something a little bit calming, something that seems to have sensation of easing into the week…so here I am with this wonderful Shikoswe track. While the first 50 seconds feel like my day, slowing moving along, there’s a nice uptick in the energy around 53 seconds that I couldn’t turn away from when listening; it added an underlying energy that crafted that dream drift we all search for…at least for fans of the genre. The chorus “it’s all the same” is a sublime slice of pop sensibility surely soothing several of you. Look for this track on the new album Back in the Tall Grass.

Video Premiere: Shivery Shakes “Swimming”

Shivery ShakesWe were more than happy to put out the Shivery Shakes LP, Three Waves and a Shake.  And, one of the perks of having a label associated with the site is that our bands can do whatever they want…and usually we’re pretty cool with it.  So, today we’re premiering the second video from the band’s great debut, “Swimming,” which is one of the song’s written by drummer, Marcus. It’s a pretty rad little video, and it definitely continues the great vibe from their record.  Don’t forget, you can get your hands on that pretty clear vinyl right HERE. They’ll also be throwing a fun little soiree over at Rio Rita at 9 PM tonight to celebrate the video’s release, so be sure to show up and have a few drinks with your favorite bros.


ATH Records Go Big with Shivery Shakes New Single

Shivery ShakesOk okay, I know last week was really heavy with all my talk of Shivery Shakes and their new LP.  This is the last time I bring the band up, at least for the next few days.  Consequence of Sound had the privilege of premiering the band’s latest single, “Swimming,” on Friday.  If you’ve caught the band live, this is one of my favorite tracks the band performs, as Marcus takes over vocal duties from behind the drum kit.  It’s just another great tune on the bands debut, Three Waves and a Shake, which you’ll be able to get from us at Austin Town Hall Records or our friend Punctum Records.  I promise; I won’t post about them for two days.

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Bright Pop from Sw/mm/ng

swimmingSummery spirit is in full swing around here, and this track from Sw/mm/ng is the perfect way to keep that mood going.  But, while there’s definitely a light-hearted tone to this new single, the band takes on a stronger emotional strategy, similar to the work that the Walkmen completed.  Part of that attitude comes in the rhythmic pounding, while the rest is completed by the careful drawl that’s present in the vocals.  If you’re enjoying this (and you should) then pick up the band’s new album, Feel Not Bad, on August 29th when it’s released by Old Flame Records.


Download: Sw/mm/ng – Some Dreams Come True [MP3]


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