Check Out Balloon Thief’s New EP

Admittedly, having a 1 and 4 year old has perhaps made my listening a bit timid, but this Texas heat and the start of the school year has me turning towards the more boisterous brand of rock n’ roll, like Balloon Thief. The Rhode Island outfit just popped out a 5-track EP coming in under ten minutes, so you know you’re in for a quick spurt of catchy punk bits. “Sodium City” reminds me of the Terry Malts meets the Spits, particularly if you dig into the chorus. “Noble Steed” has this sort of freaked out psychedelia, like the Ohsees at their most riotous, just sputtering off in a furious fashion. Hop on board this ripping self-titled EP.

Bouncy Pop Number from Neutrals

If that bobbing bass line that opens up this new single from Neutrals doesn’t get you, then I think you might want to call a doctor. That didn’t work? Well, maybe take into account the group features members of Terry Malts, Cocktails and Giant Haysticks? That should do the trick. But, if you’re still struggling, then let the rhythm push you on, then await those circular guitar lines that up the ante on the songs natural enemy. You might get a little offset with the deadpan delivery of the vocals, but those of you with punk rock in your veins should be more than ok. With only a handful of demos to their name, Kebab Disco aims to be a pretty powerful debut; it’s available for pre-order from Emotional Response.

Revisiting the Cosmos

The Cosmos are a now defunct rock n’ roll outfit from San Fran, featuring members that went on to participate in bands like Terry Malts and Dominant Legs, among others. Not too long ago they compiled their songs from the 2001-2004 years, and gave them a proper tape release. Why does that matter today? Well, for one, if you listen, you’ll see they were ahead of their time, as I can hear tons of modern acts in the stuff they were creating. Also, the band just decided to up and let you download that compilation of songs for absolutely free, though I warn you, these are working musicians and they all deserve a few bucks from you. Slow news week, so why not write about shit that rules?

Business of Dreams Will Be In Austin Tomorrow (Show Preview)

Through the years of (probably annoying) fandom, we’ve managed to befriend Corey, who came on our radar via Magic Bullets and Terry Malts. Tomorrow night, he’ll be heading into Austin with his solo project, Business of Dreams. They’ll be the opening band for Rogue Wave over at Empire Control and Garage; you can grab tickets HERE. Even better news for me is it gives me a chance to share a stream of his self-titled LP that dropped late last year. The music of the evening will be better, and in Corey’s case, the company even better, so head out tomorrow night, doors are at 8 PM.

New Track from Kids on a Crime Spree

I haven’t heard too much from Kids On a Crime Spree since 2013, though rumors began to surface that the group was working on a split 10″ for Emotional Responsewith Terry Malts. Today, I’m stoked to share this new tune with you, one of the ones that will feature on their side of the 10″. It’s got this driving fuzzy vibe to it, at least on the surface. But, beneath, there’s almost like an 80s power pop style, merging perfectly with those distorted riffs. You’ve got to rush to grab this, as it’s guaranteed to go fast. There’s a link on the song that will allow you to join the ER Mailing list, giving you an exclusive chance to grab it on September 11th.

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New Terry Malts Jam

Didn’t want to hit you over the head with too much great coverage on Emotional Response, so I figured I’d save this new Terry Malts hit for your Monday. The band are working on a split with Kids on a Crime Spree, and you know we’ll love it. I love the band pulling back on the distortion/fuzz just enough this go round to allow for their pop sensibility shine through…maybe now everyone will recognize them as one of the great pop bands around. While you wait for the new split release, you can also jam the rest of the labels hits over HERE.

Never a Bad Day for a Fresh and Onlys Tune

While my fandom for Fresh and Onlys is pretty well-known by this point, I think their new LP could definitely turn more heads. On their latest single, you’ll hear a clarity that’s been building since the band’s earliest days. Still, they bring in these hook-laden riffs/vocals during the chorus…possibly offering the most pop moment of the band’s lengthy career. Honestly, it sounds like they removed the distortion from aTerry Malts record, and slowed things down…which in my mind is pretty fucking cool. Look for Wolf Lie Down to hit stores on August 25th via Sinderlyn.

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A Night Out: Small Black and Terry Malts

Hey, all. Catching up on sharing some show photos. Last Friday was an insanely busy night with bands like Real Estate, Small Black and Terry Malts headlining around The Red River Cultural District. It meant meeting different groups of friends and seeing more bands in one night that some people see all year. Don’t you feel sorry for them?

Bands in order of appearance – Nite, Talkies, Small Black, Business of Dreams, Hidden Ritual, Terry Malts.

So click through for some notes about dinner, drinks, bands and coughing fits with a nice big gallery.

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Stream the Business of Dreams Debut LP

I raved about Terry Malts last year, and this year I’m going to praise one of their other projects, Business of Dreams. I’ve talked about the Corey Cunningham’s side gig before, and while I expected a certain level of greatness, I wanted to be sure you were aware too! It’s nine tracks of great indiepop, some of it dreamy and some of it more upbeat, like my personal favorite “Joyride.” Now that I think of it, “Turning Away” might be another favorite. Well, who am I kidding, I love it all. Take some time out of your day to indulge yourself in these pop delights. Buy it from Parked in Hell.

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