Last Week’s Jams (2.27 – 3.3)

We covered a whole lot of ground last week, as there’s always tons of music spilling out into the world. I was really high upon the new track from Daisies, which is why its leading our playlist. There were also tons of ATH regulars like the Reds Pinks and Purples, Lachlan Denton, Jana Horn, Dippers and the High Water Marks. Plus, with SXSW on the horizon, we did tons of little meet and greet posts with the bands: Blondeshell, Meernaa, Foamboy and more. So find a song you love, and go check out what we hit up last week!

Terry Drop New Video for Gronks

As we await the release of the new Terry LP, we’ll have to make do with the fresh singles they sprinkle in the interim. Their latest single reminds me of that late 90s/early 00s era of indie rock, particularly in the way the horns are used to buoy the rhythmic bounce at the song’s center; it frankly reminds me a bit of Beulah, bringing in a bit of fuzz and groove to the indie sphere. Of course, Terry have a unique manner of delivering the vocals, so that aids in the way the group crafts their hook for listeners. Call Me Terry will hit on April 14th via Upset the Rhythm.

Last Week’s Jams (1.23 – 1.27)

We’d like to formally apologize for some outages last week. One was our old server, the other was the process of switching 15 years (!) of writing and such over to a new server. But, we definitely still ran a ton of tunes, you just might not have been able to hear them all! So, let’s rectify that with our weekly playlist. Ran a premiere for a fresh track from Animal Scream off their new LP, plus we were excited by another new Whitney’s Playground track. Personally, I liked the babybaby_explores single a ton, despite that name driving me nuts. RayRay ran a Bratty tune to get you excited for the return of Austin Psych Fest. Plus, I had to throw in a Tom Verlaine track, as it just feels right; RIP sir.

Terry Are Back with Call Me Terry

A few years have passed since we’ve had a proper Terry full length out there, and now the group return with a fresh collection of tunes to carry with their joyous approach. Upon pressing play, you’re instantly greeted by the group’s knack for penning a pop tune on the scuzzy side of DIY. I love how the initial vocals walk this fine line between warmth and springy, making way for the rest of the group to come in with this sort of pseudo-echo that punctuates the natural melody. And then, because its the only way they know how, the band spin off into this frizzling pop realm that closes off the tune. Call Me Terry is out in April via Upset the Rhythm and Anti Fade.

Sleeper and Snake Share Shoot Through Video

Sometimes I like to imagine what my life would be like if I was a Waler Mitty type character, with a soundtrack written for my life. Today, it seems like Sleeper & Snake have done just that, providing me with my own theme song. From the start, the track is fairly relaxed, resting on the joint vocals of Amy Hill and Al Montfort. They don’t seem to be in any rush, just letting life come at them and riding out the ebbs and flows tossed their way. Plus, your life gets its own sax solo, though I haven’t decided if that’s life in its ascendency or on the way out, but a pleasant plot twist in a gorgeous pop song you won’t want to turn off. Fresco Shed is out now via Upset the Rhythm.

Sleeper & Snake Share Reach Out

Already a fan of Al and Amy’s other act Terry, I knew I’d likely enjoy their work in Sleeper & Snake…I just didn’t know how much. There’s this odd lo-fidelity nature to their latest single, yet it’s also so simple in nature…just going to show you don’t need to overdo it to create a tune for us to love. Instantly you’ll hear the acoustic strum meet up with this off-balance keyboard buzz, with Amy and Al singing atop one another, drowning out the buzz behind them. Breaks in the vocals allow for the keyboard to take a jaunt of its own liking, instilling a permanent pop sensibility. Their new LP Fresco Shed will be out on September 25th via Upset the Rhythm and Lulus Sonic Discs.

Sleeper and Snake Announce Fresco Shed

In a roundabout way, I’ve been writing about Sleeper & Snake for some time, as its Al and Amy from Terry. In the single accompanying the announcement of their new LP, you get the slightest hint of their quirky pop sensibility, but this outing seems to take on a more experimental purpose. It’s a fairly simplistic approach, using cello, bass and a synced beat to provide rhythm; they layer their vocals and a nice dose of saxophone atop as icing on the proverbial cake. For me, you can hear spots where they could erupt or speed up, but they show restraint, holding you (and the song) in a permanent state of suspense. Fresco Shed will be out on September 25th via Upset the Rhythm.

Rules Share Video for Terry

First, I’m really really into what Finnish outfit Rules are doing at the moment. They’re crafting these undeniably catch pop tunes, built around heavy synth work and melodic vocals you can’t hide from. Sure, tons of folks are doing that at the moment, says you, but none quite so convincing at this duo. Plus, through their work, they’re also utilizing their love for literature and literary storytelling alike. This single is based upon the Raymond Carver short story “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love;” so, as a person dabbling in the teaching of English, I’m always drawn to those who utilize literature in their own storytelling. They will be releasing their debut album on August 21st via Soliti.

More Music from Terry

I don’t really think I can tell you more that will turn you towards Terry if the band aren’t already on your radar; I’ve been consistently pushing the band on folks for the last several years, particularly with their latest “I’m Terry” LP. We’ve already shared one track from their follow-up EP, with this new poppy number ready for your ears. They’ve got this oddball pop styling, akin to my personal favorite Television Personalities…and it sounds like that’s right at play in this new song, particularly with some of the scuzzy moments tied into the band’s pop sensibility. In a few years, everyone will look back and exclaim how lovely this group was, so don’t miss out…order their new Who’s Terry EP (out July 19th) from Upset the Rhythm.

Fresh Terry Tune

What? You didn’t get enough Terry last year with I’m Terry? Well, lucky for you and I that the band have something new up their sleeve by way of the Who’s Terry? 7“. Pulsing electronics kick the song off, eventually submerging beneath the front of the mix to serve as the song’s heartbeat. Ringing guitars come in, matched in their pace by a steadied vocal delivery that marches you through the track, fading away just enough for a nice little crisp guitar solo. There’s even some faint audio that almost sounds like the band sitting around at practice in the track’s latter half; it’s charming, drawing your ear even closer. At this point, I don’t really see Terry writing a bad tune; they just keep crafting hit after hit; this one drops on Upset the Rhythm on July 19th.

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