Try Another Terry Tune Wont You

It looks like the folks over at Upset the Rhythm can’t wait to have you hear the new LP from Terry, as they’re offering up the third single from the group’s I’m Terry. The first two and a half minutes of the band’s latest should definitely have you captivated; it walks a fine line between happy bounding and plodding bounce, steady from start to finish. They offer up some sonic respite, but at this point, its fleeting as the group jump back into their harmony-induced meat of the track. You’ll find the latter half of the tune offering musicianship and sonic playfulness…just the band showing their musical chops. The new LP drops on August 31st.

Terry Release New Single and Video

Hats off to RSTB for sharing this new Terry gem off the band’s forthcoming I’m Terry album. In contrast to the spritely bounce of their first single, “The Whip,” their new single offers a calming dosage of pop. Oddly, the rhythm section holds a similar style, but the pace and the presentation of the vocals give the song a softer underbelly. The closing moments do bring in some brash discord, illustrating that the band aren’t bound to stylistic chains of any one genre. They’ll be releasing the new record via Upset the Rhythm on August 31st.

Terry Is Back

Just the other day I was rambling on with Internet fans about the best bands coming out of Australia/New Zealand these last few years…and I know for a fact that Terry were mentioned. Well, clearly they were reading our online banter, as the group just announced a brand new LP…with a catch new track. Like many great acts from the region, the band here balance scuzzy noise with savory sugar pop antics. There’s a musical meandering that closes the song that’s so ominous, those who jump right to it will likely think they’ve found a punk gem. But, there’s bubbling bass lines and sing-along chorus work to thrill! The group release I’m Terry on August 30th via Upset the Rhythm.

Catching Up with TERRY

terryWhile I was out of the country (or actually waiting at the airport) I saw an email with info about TERRY. I was salivating…Dick Diver, Total Control and UV Race members? So, excuse me if I’m a touch late, but this shit is rad. There’s a slightly surfy guitar chord being picked throughout, working against a more discordant compatriot guitar and vocal. There’s something about the attitude of the song, something saying I don’t give a shit, just going to non-chalatantly kick this song out…a rad touch. The band release their debut TERRY HQ on Upset the Rhythm on July 1st.

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