Day For Night 2017

Let’s get this out of the way. No, I did not get to shoot Day for Night from the photo pit. In fact, my “media” approval amounted to a discounted 3-day wristband. It was disappointing, if I am to be honest; I was truly looking forward to shooting this year. The organizers saw it differently. I guess one day we’ll have to relent and buy fake followers on social media as an insurance policy.

Alas, the hotel was bought and paid for already, so off I went to make the most. Saturday, I left the camera behind as there was confusion, too much of it, about camera policies, etc. Turns out, I had a great time wandering aimlessly through the cavernous space, spending much of my time in the art installations, occasionally paying attention to the stages. I had no schedule and stumbled into people, sometimes standing in the crowd only to look to my right and realize a friend had been right next to me for a half an hour. Sunday, I mounted the trusty 55/1.8 to the a9 and revisited the installations and took in way more music.

The art ruled the weekend – I went to an art show and caught some bands. Pop through and read about highs and lows and discoveries and disappointments…

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Have A Nice Weekend

The Album LeafWeekend plans? I know what you should be doing tomorrow night. #BackToSchool #TripleLindy

Tonight, though, dinner with the wife and little listening later, maybe. Big on my list is the new The Album Leaf record that showed up on streaming today named Between Waves. This song, “New Soul”, is on it, it has a video that has been up for a bit; it is behind the read more button. In fact, the record has been done for some time, waiting for who knows what to be released. Listening end to end finally, I can tell you that Jimmy LaValle has gone a little more digital this round and it is gorgeous. September 10th, pencil it in, I’ll see you at The Parish.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1221927073 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=789811230]

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Show Pics: Tycho & The Album Leaf @ Red7 (9/7)

Friday was a busy night. On my agenda, Pujol, Ariel Pink, Tycho and The Album Leaf.

Tycho asked The Album Leaf join them (him) on tour. This is a seriously good bill for any fan of mid-to-down tempo, beautifully crafted songs. To get to see both on the same night was a treat. It was impressive that the show sold out despite being in the larger space outdoors at Red7. Quick polling told me that the crowd was actually half and half as to who they were there to see, maybe Tycho in the lead. I guarantee that both bands gained fans.

Click through for a few thoughts and plenty of pics. Projectors are fun.

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The Album Leaf – A Chorus of Storytellers

thealbumleafRating: ★★★☆☆

A Chorus of Storytellers is Jimmy LaValle’s third album for indie label Sub Pop, and at it’s finest moments, it proves that this is the most cohesive Album Leaf record to date.  While it maintains many of the electronic flourishes that existed on past works, the latest piece somehow comes together a little bit tighter, forming stronger collection of songs.

For me, it all starts with the title, and for that part, the cover art.  Artists of this ilk can rely upon these mediums to further their message.  Sure, all artists should do this, but it’s even more important with acts that remain instrumental.  And the title,  A Chorus of Storytellers, should really say it all.  While I’ve lambasted electronic music in the past, it is works such as this that strive to make a coherent story, to create a plot within their music.  Such is the story within this record, as illustrated on the cover.   It just begs you to create your own story of the man ashore while his boat drifts aimlessly away.

Of course, one thing that differentiates this album from purely electronic or post-rock music, if you wish to call it that, is the inclusion of songs which use lyrics.  “Falling From the Sun,” for example, is a pleasant enough tune, and you can easily follow as the melody rises and falls, especially in the vocal performance.  But, moments such as this make things to clear for the listener; this is something that detracts from the overall listening experience.  Lyrics, in this case, push a story upon you when you’d rather just float off into your own world.

You can take a song like “Within Dreams,” which in itself recalls the ability to drift off with your own thoughts.  Slowly, you can feel the song fall asleep on you, as if you too are going into that deep REM sleep.  Then you can hear the faint touches of string instruments, and you’re off an running in a dream of your own.  It is here where LaValle succeeds the most, as he allows you to immerse yourself in the song, and take the song wherever you want to go.  Happily, it’s not constructed of mere loops, and the national progression lends itself to the telling of tales.  “Until the Last” is another such song; it is along the lines of Balmorhea or even a less-dangerous version of Mogwai.

Up until the middle point of the album, the record is really strong.  It has its ups and downs, but it also adds enough diversity for you to be invested wholly into the album.  However, towards the end, there are a bit too many songs with vocals.  This isn’t a disaster by any means, as the songs are actually really good, “Almost There” in particular, but it does break up the flow of the album.  Still, A Chorus of Storytellers provides many listenable moments that prove Jimmy and The Album Leaf still can concoct magic out of their post-rcok potions.


Download: The Album Leaf – Falling From The Sun [MP3]

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