Check the New Small World Experience Video

  1. Just recently we were alerted to the first Small World Experience LP in a really really long time! Today we’ve got a great video from one of the album’s standout tunes, “Daily Grind.” The song itself recalls those days of no bullshit guitar pop, the sort where folks turned the mundane into the endearing (TV Personalities come to mind for some reason). That fits the video’s image too, offering a casual day in the life of our protagonist-songwriter. Soft Knocks has been released unto the world via Tenth Court/The Business, begging for you to discover its secret joys.

New Music from Small World Experience

Here we are with yet another exciting number from Australia, this side from the lo-fidelity popstars, Small World Experience. They’ve been quiet since 1998, though their album Shelf Life has recently seen the reissue treatment. Here we have this video of the band’s single “Crash Crush” starring a cat on his daily routine. Musically, there’s this lovely underbelly of warm pop, slightly muddled by the band’s recording approach, putting the vocals at the same levels as the music working behind it. Something about the guitar sound feels familiar, almost perfect for our own daily routines. Look for the release of Soft Knocks on June 23rd via Tenth Court (AUS) and The Business (US).

Chaos in Tejas

chaosThe great thing about Austin is that we get the benefit of having our local promoters put together amazing weeks of shows, and this week, Chaos in Tejas proves just that point.  Sure, the bands might be a little bit on the harder/faster/heavier side of things, but there are some great bands; just check out these names: Ted Leo, The Thermals, Harvey Milk, Propaghandi, Strange Boys, Times New Viking, The Business and The Shaky Hands.  All bands that deserve your time and attention…not to mention the other great bands that will grace the stage along the whole Red River district.  A detailed list of shows and venues can be found here.


Download: Ted Leo – Under the Hedge [MP3]

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