Revisiting the Cosmos

The Cosmos are a now defunct rock n’ roll outfit from San Fran, featuring members that went on to participate in bands like Terry Malts and Dominant Legs, among others. Not too long ago they compiled their songs from the 2001-2004 years, and gave them a proper tape release. Why does that matter today? Well, for one, if you listen, you’ll see they were ahead of their time, as I can hear tons of modern acts in the stuff they were creating. Also, the band just decided to up and let you download that compilation of songs for absolutely free, though I warn you, these are working musicians and they all deserve a few bucks from you. Slow news week, so why not write about shit that rules?

Terry Malts Start Label + Release Music from Their Old Acts

cosmosI’ve made no secret of my love for Terry Malts, both as musicians and people. But, that really all started for me when I discovered Magic Bullets. That’s a good place for the story to start because the band has just created their own label, Parked In Hell. What will be their first two releases? Ah, yes. Music from their first few bands, The Cosmos and Magic Bullets…see the full circle? The Cosmos (which also featured members of Girls) will be a 2001-2004 Compilation, while Young Man’s Fancy will be the title of the Magic Bullets album…it’s got a bunch of unreleased material on it that we’ve never heard (I thought I had it all). Also, keep an eye on the label because they’ll be releasing an EP from Malt man, Corey Cunningham too! Here’s some sample tracks off the first two releases!

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