Sorry I Missed This: The Crystal Furs Beautiful and True

I’m having to circle back on this new album from the Crystal Furs, as it slipped by my coverage when it initially dropped a few weeks ago. We were big supporters of the band when they were one of the few indiepop gems of Texas, and that’s not changing now that they’ve upped and moved off to Portland. Their new album Beautiful and True actually feels more like a nostalgic indiepop record, which for me is my favorite of the genre. You’re going to get these brimming melodies throughout each track, with the rhythm section tossing out this haphazard bounce while guitars churn those sharp jangles in your ears. I think my favorite standouts are “Hey Maxine,” “The Robber Barons of Lombard Street” and “Pretty Mind,” but we encourage you to get in on your own favorites. The LP was released in limited numbers via Subjangle, but is still available digitally.

Stream the New Album from The Crystal Furs

crystalfursI have a feeling the first part of this week will be me covering hits I missed while we took a bit of a breather. One thing I actually listened to quite a bit, but hadn’t posted was this rocking indiepop record from The Crystal Furs (they released it just a few days after Christmas). Throughout the entirety of the listen you’ll hear great hooks and boundless energy, leaving you with an enduring bit of pop to spin for the rest of the week. I think my favorite tune at this point is “Never Walks,” but things could change as I spend more and more time listening. Do the same, and you’re sure to find joy.

Brand New Tunes from The Crystal Furs

crystalfursNot too long ago we were introduced to the indiepoppers, The Crystal Furs, hailing from a few miles North of us in Ft. Worth. Well, they just upped two brand new tracks that I think you’re going to love…at least I do. I love “Miss Hughes” in particular, blending aspects of Camera Obscura whilst putting on a janglier touch with the guitars. It’s a wonderful way for you to start off you Monday morning. Can’t wait to see these guys finally come to Austin. Happy Monday folks.

New to Me: The Crystal Furs

crystalfursWhile all my Internet friends were raving about the amazing time they had at NYC Popfest (still jealous) they also tossed me a nod towards The Crystal Furs…a Ft. Worth based indiepop act. They’re fairly new to the scene, and seeing as our love of indiepop is always going strong, I’m really stoked to have another band to fawn over, let alone one from Texas. They recently tossed out an EP titled the Pentacon Sessions, recorded while the band was still working on their sound and name. I figured music world is slow today, so why not share it with you all today. Stream below, and look for more from The Crystal Furs.

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