Fun Pop from The Gift (SXSW Artist)

You’re staring at your SXSW schedule, trying to figure out something interesting to squeeze in, though you’re not sure what you’re looking for, exactly. Might I suggest The Gift? The band crafts clever pop numbers, with this album the band’s first to sing entirely in English. Oh, and did I mention that Brian Eno of Brian Eno fame did the production on the album, as well played keyboards and backing vocals? Maybe he’ll show up at the fest to quietly sit behind the keys! Regardless, you’ll get a chance to hear tons of new tunes from the group’s new LP, Altar, which hits on May 5th via La Folie.

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Brian Eno Sings with The Gift

thegiftHey! This song features Brian Eno! That got your attention, right? I mean, the shapeshifting sonic genius has been around for years, this time working with Portugal’s The Gift to produce and sing on their brand new track. I like the dark synth stabs that serve as the background to this track; it’s some weird combination of Reznor meets Hot Chip, with Eno taking the vocal lead. There’s this slight little musical turn just before the 3 minute mark, where Eno and the band add a finishing touch of brilliant pop construction…perhaps my favorite moment on the tune (seems like Bowie isn’t far from his mind). This single is officially released this Friday via the band’s La Folie Records.

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