More From The Hazy Seas

After a promising close to 2016 with a couple of singles we loved, Chicago based The Hazy Seas finally delivered us a much anticipated new single last month. Much to our surprise, the band sent over this new single called “Old Clothes” over the Winter Break season and I’m pleased to share it with you today. As usual, the band’s name once again offers a perfect description of their music with this one again being seriously hazy while still offering some weird pop elements to keep the listener engaged. Could the band’s upcoming LP be one of our first favorites of the year?

The Hazy Seas will release their debut LP sometime this month.

The Hazy Seas Share Heavy Heads

There’s a whole lot of alliteration in that headline, but there’s a whole lot of reasons to listen to Chicago’s The Hazy Seas too. For one, you can’t tell me that as soon as those guitars start dancing their way into the scene that you’re not just tapping your toes incessantly. The rhythmic pulse adds extra bounce too, giving this song great energy to push things forward. Interestingly, there’s nice juxtaposition with the vocals, coated and cloudy, kind of this dark solemnity, which matches up with the song’s lyrics taking on the subject of making tough decisions and feeling lost while others look on at your life. The group will release their debut LP in early January of next year, so keep your eyes peeled.

More From The Hazy Seas

12795335_951492121602660_8656031474738553721_nI told you a couple of months ago you’d be hearing more from Michigan based band The Hazy Seas as I received more information right? Well today I have yet another promising new single here entitled “Kite Dodging”. I’m really loving the frantic pace to the song which adds a nice element to the already dreamy and catchy bit of pop sounds. To me, this band is doing something truly unique and creative. Pay attention.

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Nice Bit of Pop From The Hazy Seas

12795335_951492121602660_8656031474738553721_nYeah so you know the story by now right? I know very little about (insert band name here), but I love them after hearing their music today. Sound familiar? Well I’m yet again discovering new things today with a new single called “Evergreen” from Michigan based pop group The Hazy Seas. A lot is going on in the song but all blends beautifully with jangly guitars, some hushed vocals, and a somewhat frantic pace all coming together nicely. After winning my ears today, I’ll be sure to share more from The Hazy Seas once I get the info.

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